II Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization




CD2.R1    The Directing Council,

[Having studied] the documents presented by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, including the final report of the 5th Meeting of the Executive Committee (OSP.CE5.M-4),


1. To continue the use of the calendar year as the budget period rather than the fiscal year from 1 July to 30 June.

2. To approve a budget of $700,000 for the first half of 1949.

3. To approve a budget for $1,000,000 for the second half of the same year.

4. To divide the two budgets that [have been] approved into the following four sections:

5. To authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to transfer funds from one to another of the four major sections indicated, not exceeding 10 per cent of any section, advising the Executive Committee at the first opportunity. For sums in excess of this percentage, the Director must obtain previous approval of the majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

6. [To recommend] that future budgets not require this transference clause, and that the authorization given for the present period not constitute a precedent.

7. To assign the quotas for the collection of the funds on the basis established by Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code, the budget of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for the calendar year 1949 [to] be apportioned among the Member Governments in accord with the scale of contributions adopted by the Council of the Organization of American States for the budget of the Pan American Union for its fiscal year 1948-1949.

8. To recommend that the Executive Committee give special attention to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph C, of the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, [that it] carry out the pertinent studies at the proper time, and that it prepare a comparative analysis of the two preceding fiscal periods and of the preliminary budget submitted, which should be forwarded to the Member Governments as early as possible.

9. To recommend to the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau that, whenever it is not possible for lack of funds to carry out the entire approved program, none of the authorized items be totally eliminated, but that the future activities within each heading be reduced proportionately according to the funds available.

10. To authorize the Executive Committee, at its 6th Meeting, to study and propose modifications in the annual salaries of the Assistant Director and of the Secretary General of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, as well as in the representation allowance for the Director, the Assistant Director, and the Secretary General of the Bureau.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 11

CD2.R2    The Directing Council,

[Having studied] the report of the Committee on Relations, and taking into consideration the opinions, suggestions, and recommendations of the members and observers present, as well as the Final Report of the 5th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To ratify the report presented by the Executive Committee on relations with the World Health Organization.

2. To recommend to the American countries, Members of the Organization, the desirability of ratifying the Constitution of the World Health Organization, so that the viewpoint of the American Continent may be duly represented in the deliberations of this Organization.

3. To accept as a basis for the agreement between the World Health Organization and the Pan American Sanitary Organization the document approved by the Directing Council in its I Meeting in Buenos Aires, with the slight changes introduced by the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (Document OSP.CD2.M-3).

4. To authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to sign this agreement with the World Health Organization, on the basis of the authorization given at the XII Pan American Sanitary Conference, when at least fourteen American countries have ratified the Constitution of the World Health Organization.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 12

CD2.R3    The Directing Council,

[Having carefully considered] the problem and the measures proposed by the Executive Committee, which have been accepted de facto by the Directing Council with their incorporation in its Rules of Procedure and Debate; and

Considering that the proposal represents an appreciable advance toward the definite solution of this problem, which is of great importance to the American Continent,


1. To declare that the non-self-governing countries of the Western Hemisphere be [accorded] the following rights within the Pan American Sanitary Organization:

a) To participate without the right to vote in the deliberations of the plenary sessions of the Directing Council;

b) To participate with the right to vote in the committees of the Directing Council, except in those that deal with administration, finances, and the Constitution;

c) To participate on the same basis as the Members, subject only to the limitations mentioned in subdivision (a), in matters relating to procedure in the sessions of the Directing Council and its committees, such as presenting motions, amendments, points of order, etc.;

d) To propose subjects for inclusion in the provisional agenda of the meetings of the Directing Council;

e)To receive all the documents, reports, and minutes of the Directing Council;

f)To participate on the same basis as the Members in all plans for the calling of special sessions; and

g)To appoint observers and to participate in the discussions of the Executive Committee, subject to the same conditions that apply to the Members of the Pan American Sanitary Organization that are not members of the Committee, although these representatives are not elegible for membership on the Committee.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 13

CD2.R4    The Directing Council,

[Having carefully studied] the Caracas Declaration on the Health of the Child,


1. To record its enthusiastic approval of the Declaration as a set of principles and objectives that will serve as a standard and guide to all organizations interested in the health and well-being of the child.

2. To recommend that the following statement of principles be added to the Declaration: "The Pan American Sanitary Organization believes that all health activities the objectives of which are to guarantee to the child a harmonious physical and mental development must be based on the family unit, of which the child is an integral part, the maternal and child health services being entrusted to the national public health departments, which will maintain the closest possible contact and [cooperation] with the agencies concerned with maternal and child welfare."

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 13

CD2.R5    The Directing Council,

Considering the present difficulties in the establishment of continental standards for solution of health problems,


To declare that in order to make such standards useful on the whole Continent they should have a universal character.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 14

CD2.R6    The Directing Council,

Considering that it is desirable to secure the greatest degree of success in the execution of the border health agreements concluded in the Western Hemisphere,


To direct the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to carry out a study of the border health agreements that may have been concluded in the Western Hemisphere and of the benefits that may have accrued therefrom to the health of the Continent, and to suggest administrative and technical measures that experience may show will improve the implementing agencies set up by these agreements, [such] suggestions [to] be communicated to the interested health organizations through the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 14

CD2.R7    The Directing Council,

[Bearing in mind] the considerations expressed by the Representatives of Panama and Peru,


1. To direct the Executive Committee of the Pan American Sanitary Organization that it take up immediately a study of the objectives of future Pan American Conferences of National Directors of Health so that these may be devoted to a study in toto and in situ of the progress achieved in the field of public health in the country where the respective meeting is held.

2. [To request that] this study take into account the desirability of holding simultaneous annual meetings of national directors of health and of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, and [that it] be communicated to the national health authorities six months before the next meeting for its consideration and incorporation, if approved, as a resolution of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 14

CD2.R8    The Directing Council,

Taking into account the studies and reports that indicate that hydatidosis has been gradually spreading throughout the Americas in recent years, as well as the difficulties and dangers represented by the disease, not only for the countries already invaded but also for those in which growing numbers of human cases are being reported; and

Having studied the proposal submitted by the Representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay,


1. To recommend to the public health authorities of the American countries that they intensify the epidemiological investigation of hydatidosis in their respective territories and transmit periodically to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau all reports and studies related to this disease; also, to recommend to them the issuance of laws and regulations directed toward the prevention and control of hydatidosis, such legislation to be based, preferably, on health education of the public, uniform national systems of prophylaxis, and enforcement of regulations for case reporting, as well as other measures for combating hydatidosis in animals and for protecting the human population.

2. To entrust the Pan American Sanitary Bureau with distributing regularly among all the American countries information regarding studies and preventive measures dealing with hydatidosis.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 15

CD2.R9    The Directing Council,

[Having considered] the draft of the annual report presented by Committee III,


To approve this report, which will be sent to the Member Governments in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 paragraph E, of the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 15

CD2.R10    The Directing Council,

Unanimously designated the city of Lima, Peru, as the seat of its [III] Meeting in 1949.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 15

CD2.R11    The Directing Council,

Elected Argentina and Guatemala to fill the vacancies on the Executive Committee created by the termination of the periods of office of Cuba and the United States of America.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 16

CD2.R12    The Directing Council,

RENDERS sincere tribute to the memory of Eduardo Liceaga, whose lasting work on behalf of the health of all the peoples of the Continent is thus remembered.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 16

CD2.R13    The Directing Council,

Considering that Dr. John D. Long, Traveling Representative of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, has rendered outstanding service in the work of the Bureau, to which he has devoted many years of his life, and

Considering that Dr. Long has won the gratitude of many American nations for his meritorious work and his constant devotion to the cause of international public health,


To express its appreciation and thanks to Dr. John D. Long for the important and long-continued service he has rendered to the cause of Pan American Health.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 16

CD2.R14    The Directing Council,


1. To express its sincere appreciation to Dr. Hugh S. Cumming, Director Emeritus of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, for the progress achieved in the Americas during his long and productive period of service as Director of the Bureau.

2. To send to Dr. Carlos Enrique Paz Soldán, Honorary Member of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, its expressions of cordial remembrance for his work on behalf of the progress of public health in the Continent and the solidarity of the peoples of the Americas.

3. To send a greeting to the World Health Organization at Geneva, and another to the Regional Organization of the World Health Organization for Southeastern Asia, which is at present holding its first meeting in India.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 16

CD2.R15    The Directing Council,


To the Government of Peru and to the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare upon the death of Dr. Fernando Castillo Sologuren, who was known and esteemed by the members of the Directing Council, especially as a result of his participation in its I Meeting in Buenos Aires.

Oct. 1948 Pub. 247, 17