V Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization


CD5.R1    The Directing Council,

Having taken cognizance of the Annual Report (Document CD5/33) of Dr. Luis F. Galich, Chairman of the 13th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


To approve the said Report, thank Dr. Galich, and congratulate him on the able manner in which he presided as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 8

CD5.R2    The Directing Council,

Having taken cognizance of the Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD5/18),


To approve the said Report, thank and to congratulate the Director on the effective work accomplised by the Bureau during the period covered in his Report.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 8

CD5.R3    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1952 (Document CD5/4), amounting to $1,943,681, has been received from the Executive Committee;

Considering that at its 13th Meeting the Executive Committee studied the Proposed Program and Budget in detail and [subsequently,] with the cooperation of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, drafted the document transmitted to the Directing Council by the representatives of Chile and the United States; and

Considering that the Executive Committee recommended that the Director be authorized to transfer within the budget the necessary credits to cover the operating expenses of the Field Office for the Southern Region of South America, which had not been contemplated in the first study, and to make certain adjustments required by the development of the field programs of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau,


1. To appropriate for the financial year 1952 the amount of $1,943,681 as follows:

2. [To approve that] amounts not exceeding the appropriations included in Paragraph 1 be [made] available for the payment of obligations during the period 1 January to 31 December 1952, inclusive.

3.[To approve that] the appropriations set forth in Paragraph I be financed by contributions from the Member Governments, in accordance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code.

4. [To authorize] the Director to transfer credits between Parts I, II, and III of the budget, provided that such transfers of credits between parts do not exceed 10 per cent of the part from which the credit is transferred. Transfers of credits between these parts of the budget in excess of 10 per cent may be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. All transfers of credits between these parts of the budget shall be reported to the Directing Council.

5. [To stipulate that] no transfer may be made from Part IV of the budget.

6. [To approve that] such income as may accrue to sums remaining in the Building Funds as of 31 December 1952 be administered in accordance with Article VI, Section 6.1, of the Financial Regulations.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 8

CD5.R4    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1953 (Document CE14/12), submitted by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau through the Executive Committee, contemplates a substantial increase in quota contributions from the Member Countries; and

Considering that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau needs sufficient time to prepare the detailed proposed program and budget [to be submitted] to the next meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To [regard] the budget proposal submitted as a preliminary draft that will serve as a basis for the preparation of the Proposed Program and Budget for 1953, and to forward it to all the Member Governments so that they may express their views on the content of the program to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, with the recommendation that they transmit such views to the Bureau as promptly as possible to guide the Director in preparing, before February 1952, the Proposed Program and Budget for 1953.

2. To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to continue working on the preparation of the detailed Program and Budget for 1953 on the basis of the proposed preliminary draft, it being understood that all phases of the program and budget shall be subject to review and revision by the Executive Committee at its 16th Meeting.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 10

CD5.R5    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the Proposed Program and Budget of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas for 1953 has been reviewed and found to provide for an adequate, well-balanced program,


To request the Regional Director to forward the [Proposed] Program and Budget for the Region of the Americas for 1953 to the Director-General for inclusion in his program and budget to be presented to the Executive Board for comment and to the Fifth World Health Assembly for approval.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 10

CD5.R6    The Directing Council,

Considering that during 1950 the Director submitted to the organs of the Pan American Sanitary Organization information describing the need for a long-range budget policy;

Considering that the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference adopted Resolution II, which [resolves]:

1. To instruct the Directing Council to collect all required data for the study of an adequate budget policy for the Organization.

2. To authorize the Directing Council, or the organ that may assume its functions, to approve and implement a budget plan for the second year following that of its meeting.

Considering that long-range planning will be the aim of the Organization as one of the most important factors in maintaining the necessary continuity of operations; and

[Having studied] the material submitted on this topic (Document CD5/35),


1. To request the Director to evaluate the needs of the countries in the field of public health, indicating the priority for each need, and to present to a future meeting of the Directing Council a long-range program for the Organization based on his findings.

2. To consider that the eradication programs in the Americas require the highest priority within the over-all program.

3. To recommend that future budgets be prepared against these references, taking into consideration both the statement of the Director [regarding the extent to which] the general program can be implemented within a given year and the ability of the Governments to finance the budgets.

4. To instruct the Executive Committee to prepare, with the cooperation of the Director, a preliminary budget plan for the Organization for at least the second year following that of the meetings of the Directing Council, and to prepare a plan of long-range programs.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 11

CD5.R7    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Directing Council acts as Regional Committee of the World Health Organization, and that in that capacity it reviews the budget of the Regional Office for the Americas;

Considering that the Executive Committee studies the budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization prior to consideration thereof by the Directing Council; and

Considering that it is desirable that the Executive Committee, when reviewing the budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, have available a complete picture of the planned activities of the Bureau for any given period,


To authorize the Executive Committee of the Directing Council to act also as working party on behalf of the Regional Committee for the Americas in reviewing all matters concerning administration, budget, and finance.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 12

CD5.R8    The Directing Council,

Considering that the transmittal of monthly notifications by the Director to the health authorities of the Member Countries as to the status of contributions to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau appears to be conducive to more prompt payments and to a better understanding of the problem;

Considering that the number of replies received to the budget questionnaires is insufficient to permit an adequate analysis;

Considering that the Director has investigated and studied the proposals contained in paragraphs 4 (a) and (b) of Resolution IV of the 13th Meeting of the Executive Committee and recommends that the requirement of payments of contributions in U.S. dollars be continued; and

[Bearing in mind] the replies received from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund, and the decision adopted at the 14th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To instruct the Director to continue the procedure of notifying the health authorities of the Member Countries every month as to the status of quota contributions.

2. To approve the recommendation of the Director that the practice of payments of contributions from Member Countries in U.S. dollars be continued.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 12

CD5.R9    The Directing Council,

Considering that the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference requested the Director to submit draft financial regulations to the Executive Committee; and

Considering that the Executive Committee reviewed in detail the provisional Financial Regulations for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and recommended that the Directing Council adopt the said Regulations,


To adopt the Financial Regulations for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as set forth in the annex to the present resolution.


Financial Regulations for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Article 1-Applicability

1.1 These regulations shall govern the financial administration of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Article II-The Financial Year

2.1The financial year shall be the period 1 January through 31 December.

Article III-The Budget

3.1 The Executive Committee shall prepare, with the cooperation of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, a proposed annual budget for consideration by the Directing Council.

3.2 The estimates shall cover expenditures for the financial year to which they relate and shall be presented in U.S. dollars.

3.3 The annual budget estimates shall be divided into parts, sections, chapters, and articles, and shall be accompanied by such information annexes and explanatory statements as may be requested on behalf of the Directing Council, and such further annexes or statements as the Director may deem necessary and useful.

3.4 The Director shall submit to the Executive Committee budget estimates for the following financial year.

3.5 The Director shall transmit the proposed budget of the Executive Committee to all the Member States at least thirty days prior to the meeting of the Directing Council.

3.6 The Executive Committee shall present its proposed budget to the Directing Council at its annual meeting.

3.7 The budget for the following financial year shall be adopted by the Directing Council.

3.8 Supplementary estimates may be submitted by the Director when and as he may deem necessary.

3.9 The Director shall prepare supplementary estimates in a form consistent with the annual estimates and shall submit such estimates to the Executive Committee. The Executive committee shall review such estimates and report thereon to the Directing Council.

Article IV-Appropriations

4.1 The appropriations voted by the Directing Council shall constitute an authorization to the Director to incur obligations and make payments for the purposes for which the appropriations were voted and up to the amounts so voted.

4.2 Appropriations shall be available for obligation for the financial year to which they relate.

4.3 Appropriations shall remain available for twenty-four months following the end of the financial year to which they relate, to the extent that they are required to discharge the outstanding legal obligations as of 31 December of that year. Any remaining balance of appropriation will revert to the Working Capital Fund.

4.4 At the end of the twenty-four-month period, the remaining balance of any appropriations will revert to the Working Capital Fund. Any unliquidated obligations of the prior twenty-four months shall at that time be cancelled; where the obligation remains a valid charge, it shall be transferred as an obligation against current appropriations.

4.5 Transfers within the total amount appropriated may be made to the extent permitted by the terms of the budget resolution adopted by the Directing Council.

Article V-Provision of Funds

5.1 The appropriations, subject to the adjustments effected in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 5.2, shall be financed by contributions from the Member States, in accordance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code. Pending the receipt of such contributions, the appropriation may be financed from the Working Capital Fund.

5.2 In the assessment of the contributions of the Member States, adjustments shall be made to the amount of the appropriations approved by the Directing Council for the following financial year in respect of:

(a) Supplementary appropriations for which contributions have not previously been assessed on the Member States;

(b) Contributions resulting from the assessment of new Member States under the provisions of Regulation 5.8;

(c) The estimated amount of miscellaneous income shall be routinely credited to voted budget appropriations.

5.3 After the Directing Council has voted the appropriations, the Director shall request the Secretary General of the Organization of American States to:

(a) Transmit the relevant documents to the Member States;

(b) Inform the Member States of their commitments in respect of annual contributions;

(c) Request the Member States to remit their contributions.

5.4 Contributions shall be considered as due and payable in full within thirty days of the receipt of the communication of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, or as of the first day of the financial year to which they relate, whichever is the later. As of 1 January of the following financial year, the unpaid balance of such unpaid contributions shall be considered to be one year in arrears.

5.5 Annual contributions shall be assessed in United States dollars and paid in United States dollars.

5.6 Payments made by a Member State shall be credited to the earliest outstanding assessments in its account.

5.7 The Director shall submit to the regular session of the Directing Council a report on the collection of contributions.

5.8 New Members shall be required to make a quota contribution for the year in which they become Members.

Article VI-Funds

6.1 There shall be established a General Fund for the purpose of accounting for the expenditures of the Bureau. The contributions paid by the Member States under Regulation 5.1, miscellaneous income, and any advances made from the Working Capital Fund to finance general expenditures shall be credited to the General Fund.

6.2 There shall be established a Working Capital Fund in an amount and for purposes to be determined from time to time by the Directing Council. The source of monies for the Working Capital Fund shall be from the surplus as of 31 December 1949 as reported by the Director and as adopted by the Directing Council under Resolution II of the III Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization and as set forth in Resolution III (Rev. 1) of the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference.

6.3 Title to monies credited to the Working Capital Fund shall remain with the Pan American Sanitary Organization.

6.4 The Working Capital Fund shall be used to finance budgetary appropriations during a financial year, and the Fund shall be reimbursed as soon as and to the extent that income is available for that purpose.

6.5 Transfers from the Working Capital Fund to finance unforeseeable and extraordinary expenses or other authorized purposes shall be reimbursed from regularly budgeted funds unless other authorized means are used to replenish the Fund.

6.6 Income derived from investments of the Working Capital Fund shall be credited to miscellaneous income.

6.7 Trust, Reserve, and Special Funds may be established by the Director or other appropriate authority.

6.8 The purpose and limits of each Trust, Reserve, and Special Fund shall be clearly defined by the appropriate authority. Unless otherwise provided, such funds shall be administered in accordance with these Regulations.

6.9 The Director, with the prior and written concurrence of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee, shall have the power to borrow funds.

Article VII-Other Income

7.1 All income, other than:

(a) Contributions to the budget;

(b) Refunds of direct expenditures made during the financial year;

(c) Advances or deposits to the Funds shall be claimed as miscellaneous income for credit to the General Fund.

7.2 Voluntary contributions may be accepted by the Director, provided that the purposes for which the contributions are made are consistent with the policies, aims, and activities of the Bureau, and provided that the acceptance of such contributions as may directly or indirectly involve additional financial liability for the Bureau shall require the consent of the appropriate authority.

7.3 Monies accepted for purposes specified by the donor shall be treated as Trust or Special Funds under Regulations 6.7 and 6.8.

7.4Monies accepted in respect of which no purpose is specified shall be treated as miscellaneous income and reported as "gifts" in the annual accounts.

Article VIII-Custody of Funds

8.1 The Director shall designate the bank or banks in which the funds of the Bureau shall be kept.

Article IX-Investment of Funds

9.1 The Director may make short-term investments of monies not needed for immediate requirements and shall inform the Executive Committee periodically of such investments as he has made.

9.2 The Director may make long-term investments of monies standing to the credit of Trust, Reserve, or Special Funds as may be provided by the appropriate authority in respect of each such Fund.

9.3Income derived from investments shall be credited as provided in the rules relating to each Fund.

Article X-Internal Control

10.1 The Director shall:

(a) Establish detailed financial rules and procedures in order to ensure effective financial administration and the exercise of economy;

(b) Cause all payments to be made on the basis of supporting vouchers and other documents that ensure that the services or goods have been received and that payment has not previously been made;

(c) Designate the officers who may receive monies, incur obligations, and make payments on behalf of the Bureau;

(d) Maintain an internal financial control that shall provide for an effective current examination and/or review of financial transactions in order to ensure:

(i) The regularity of the receipt, custody, and disposal of all funds and other financial resources of the Bureau;

(ii) The conformity of obligations and expenditures with the appropriations or other financial provision voted by the Directing Council, or with the purposes and rules relating to Trust and other Special Funds;

(iii) The economic use of the resources of the Bureau.

10.2 No obligations shall be incurred until allotments or other appropriate authorizations have been made in writing under the authority of the Director.

10.3 The Director may make such ex-gratia payments as he deems to be necessary in the interests of the Bureau, provided that a statement of such payments shall be submitted to the Directing Council with the annual accounts.

10.4 The Director may, after full investigation, authorize the writing off of such losses of cash, stores, and other assets, provided that a statement of all such amounts written off shall be submitted to the Auditor(s) with the annual accounts.

10.5 Tenders for equipment, supplies, and other requirements shall be invited by advertisement, except where the Director deems that, in the interests of the Bureau, a departure from the rule is desirable.

Article XI-The Accounts

11.1 The Director shall maintain such accounting records as are necessary and shall submit annual accounts showing for the financial year to which they relate:

(a) The income and expenditure of all funds;

(b) The status of appropriations;

(c) The assets and liabilities of the Bureau.

He shall also give such other information as may be appropriate to indicate the current financial position of the Bureau.

11.2 The accounts of the Bureau shall be presented in United States dollars. The accounting records may be kept in such currency or currencies as the Director may deem necessary.

11.3 Appropriate separate accounts shall be maintained for all Trust and other Special Funds.

11.4 The annual accounts shall be submitted by the Director to the External Auditor(s) by 1 March following the end of the financial year.

Article XII-External Audit

12.1 The Directing Council shall appoint External Auditor(s) of international repute to audit the accounts of the Bureau. Auditor(s) appointed may be removed only by the Directing Council.

12.2 The External Auditor(s) shall perform such an audit as he/they may deem necessary to certify:

(a) That the financial statements are in accord with the books and records of the Bureau;

(b) That the financial transactions reflected in the statements have been in accordance with the rules and regulations and other applicable directives;

(c) That the securities and monies on deposit and on hand have been verified by certificate received direct from the Bureau's depositories or by actual account.

12.3 Subject to the provisions of the financial regulations, the Auditor(s) shall be the sole judge as to the acceptance in whole or in part of the certifications by members of the Staff of the Bureau and may proceed to such detailed examination and verifications of all financial records as he/they may choose, including those relating to supplies and equipment.

12.4 The Auditor(s) may affirm by test the reliability of the internal audit and may make such reports with respect thereto as he/they may deem necessary to the Directing Council.

12.5 The Auditor(s) and his/their staff have free access at all convenient times to all books of account and records that are, in the opinion of the Auditor(s), necessary for the performance of the audit. Information classified in the records of the Directorate as confidential, and which is required for the purpose of the audit, shall be made available on application to the Director or his alternate.

12.6 The Auditor(s), in addition to certifying the account, may make such observations as he/they may deem necessary with respect to the efficiency of the financial procedures, the accounting system, the internal financial controls, and in general the financial consequences of administrative practices. In no case, however, shall the Auditor(s) include criticism in his/their audit report without first affording the Directorate an opportunity of explanation to the Auditor(s) of the matter under observation. Audit objections to any item in the accounts shall be immediately communicated to the Chief, Division of Administration.

12.7 The Auditor(s) shall have no power to disallow items in the accounts, but shall draw to the attention of the Director for appropriate action any transaction concerning which he/they entertain doubt as to legality or propriety.

12.8 The Auditor(s) shall prepare a report on the accounts certified, in which he/they should mention the extent and character of his/their examination or any important changes therein, matters affecting the completeness or accuracy of the accounts, or other matters that should be brought to the notice of the Directing Council, such as:

(a) Cases of fraud or presumptive fraud;

(b) Wasteful or improper expenditure of money or other assets of the Bureau (not with standing that the accounting for the transactions may be correct);

(c) Expenditure likely to commit the Bureau to further outlay on a large scale;

(d) Any defect in the general system or detailed regulations governing the control of receipts and expenditure, or of suppplies and equipment;

(e) Expenditure not in accordance with the intention of the Directing Council, after making allowance for duly authorized transfers within the budget;

(f) Expenditure in excess of appropriation as amended by duly authorized transfers within the budget;

(g) Expenditure not in conformity with the authority that governs it.

12.9 The Auditor(s) shall submit his/their report to the Directing Council to be available to the Executive Committee not later than 15 April following the end of the financial year to which the accounts relate. The Director shall forward to the Executive Committee his comments, if any, on the audit report. The Executive Committee shall review the audit report and forward its comments, if any, to the Directing Council.

Article XIII-Resolutions Involving Expenditures

13.1 The Pan American Sanitary Conference, the Directing Council, and the Executive Committee shall not make decisions involving expenditures unless they have received a report from the Director on the administrative and financial implications of the proposal.

13.2 Where, in the opinion of the Director, the proposed expenditure cannot be made from the existing appropriations, it shall not be incurred until the Pan American Sanitary Conference or the Directing Council has made the necessary appropriations, unless such expenditure can be made under the conditions of the resolution of the Directing Council relating to the Emergency Procurement Revolving Fund.

Article XIV-Delegation of Authority

14.1 The Director may delegate to other officers of the Bureau such of his powers as he considers necessary for the effective implementation of these regulations.

Article XV-General Provisions

15.1 These regulations shall be effective as of the date of their approval by the Directing Council and may be amended only by the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference.

15.2 In case of doubt as to the interpretation and application of any of the foregoing regulations, the Director is authorized to rule thereon.

Article XVI-Special Provisions

16.1 The Director shall report annually to the Directing Council or the Pan American Sanitary Conference such financial rules and amendments thereto as he may make to implement these regulations, after confirmation by the Executive Committee.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 13

CD5.R10    The Directing Council,

Considering that there is some question as to the composition of the Working Capital Fund established by the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference, and [recognizing] that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau expends funds in many currencies; and

Considering that the Executive Committee at its 13th Meeting, 23-30 April 1951, [recommended in] Resolution VII that the Directing Council adopt a resolution providing that the cruzeiros received as a special contribution from the Government of Brazil be included in the Working Capital Fund as an integral part thereof,


That the cruzeiro fund be included in the Working Capital Fund of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as an integral part thereof.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 20

CD5.R11    The Directing Council,

Considering that the report on the status of the Working Capital Fund as of 30 June 1951 has been reviewed and demonstrates that the operation of the Fund has been in accordance with Resolution III of the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference,


To approve the report on the status of the Working Capital Fund as of 30 June 1951.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 20

CD5.R12    The Directing Council,

Considering that disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes occurred in the Americas in the months of May and August 1951, making it necessary for the Bureau to furnish emergency medical supplies to safeguard the health of the inhabitants of the affected areas;

Considering that the Director of the Bureau, by virtue of the authority conferred upon him by Resolution II of the Directing Council at its III Meeting, purchased supplies in the amounts of $2,492.40 and $4,091.28, totaling $6,583.68;

Considering that it will be necessary to provide the sum of $6,583.68 to bring the Emergency Procurement Revolving Fund to its authorized level of $50,000; and

Considering that the Bureau has no general unallocated funds from which the amount of $6,538.68 can be transferred to restore the fund to its authorized level,


1. [To take note of and approve] the expenditure of $6,538.68 made by the Director.

2. [To maintain] the Emergency Procurement Revolving Fund at the authorized level of $50,000 by restoration of the amount expended.

Sept.-Oct. Pub. 270, 20

CD5.R13    The Directing Council,


The financial statements of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau have been subject to audit and the report of the external auditors has been reviewed; and

The Executive Committee at its 13th Meeting, 23-30 April 1951, recommended (Resolution XI) that the Directing Council approve the aforesaid report of the external auditors,


To approve the report of the external auditors for the financial year ended 31 December 1950.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 21

CD5.R14    The Directing Council,

Considering Resolution XV of the 14th Meeting of the Executive Committee, and the report presented by the subcommittee of the Executive Committee on the revision of the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization;

Having reviewed the annexes to this report;

Recognizing that a revision of the Constitution is necessary;

Deeming it advisable, however, to postpone such revision until there is more information on the opinions of the Governments and the interested agencies,


1. [To postpone] the revision of the Constitution until the opinions of the Goverments and of the interested agencies are more fully known.

2. [To recommend] that a permanent committee of the Executive Committee be established for the specific purpose of studying the revision of the Constitution.

3. [To recommend] that the existing documents on the subject be referred to the aforementioned committee, as well as any documents that arrive in sufficient time to enable it to prepare the report and the draft revisions that the Directing Council is to consider at its VI Meeting.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 21

CD5.R15    The Directing Council,

[Considering that] the Directing Council at its IV Meeting requested the Executive Committee to study the relationship between the Directing Council and the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization, and the relations of each of these to the Member States of the World Health Organization not having their seats of government within the Western Hemisphere, and to recommend to the Council the inclusion in the proposed constitutional revision of measures to clarify these relationships;

[Considering that] the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference 1 authorized the Executive Committee to examine the proposed revision submitted to the Conference by the Directing Council and to submit it for consideration to the Directing Council at its V Meeting, together with the opinions expressed by the Member Governments, the Members of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization, and the Council of the Organization of American States;

[Considering that] Resolution III of the II Meeting of the Directing Council offered certain rights of participation in the Pan American Sanitary Organization to the non-self-governing territories of the Western Hemisphere, and [that] Resolution IX of the III Meeting invited certain nonmember States to participate on the same basis as the American Republics in meetings of the Directing Council as Regional Committee of the World Health Organization; and

[Considering that] the Directing Council has adopted a resolution expressing its belief that a revision of the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization is not timely, and [that] until this instrument is revised, the Directing Council should clarify said Resolution IX of the III Meeting of the Directing Council,


1. That all meetings of the Directing Council shall at the same time be meetings of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization, except when the Directing Council is considering constitutional matters, the juridical relations between the Pan American Sanitary Organization and the World Health Organization or the Organization of American States, or other questions relating to the Pan American Sanitary Organization as an Inter-American Specialized Organization.

2. That, modifiying paragraphs (a) and (b) of Resolution II of the II Meeting of the Directing Council, the vote on Pan American Sanitary Organization budget matters is granted to States Members of the World Health Organization not having their seats of government within the Western Hemisphere which "either (a) by reason of their Constitution consider certain territories or groups of territories in the Western Hemisphere as part of their national territory, or (b) are responsible for the conduct of the international relations of territories or groups of territories within the Western Hemisphere." The vote thus granted shall be on behalf of these territories and shall be contingent upon their making an equitable contribution to the budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization. The privilege of voting on the Pan American Sanitary Organization budget thus granted may be exercised either by the representative of such territories or by the representatives of the Member States of the World Health Organization referred to above.

3.To amend the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council, in accordance with the recommendation of the Executive Committee, to provide, inter alia, that if the representative of a nonmember State of the Pan American Sanitary Organization is elected an officer at any meeting, such representative will not officiate in the sessions at which any of the matters mentioned in paragraph 1 is under discussion.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 22

CD5.R16    The Directing Council,

Considering that the report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau gives an account of the cooperative activities that are being carried out between the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering (AIDIS);

[Considering that,] in the budget approved for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1952, $10,000 is allotted for the continuation of these activities; and

[Considering that] the opinion of the Members of this Council has been ascertained,


That the Pan American Sanitary Bureau should continue to support the cooperative activities with the Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering (AIDIS) during the year 1952, as it has been doing up to the present time.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 24

CD5.R17    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Representative of Cuba has made a report and the Pan American Medical Confederation has submitted documents, which include the Medical Charter of Havana, its Constitution, the Final Acts of the General Assemblies of Havana, 1947; Lima, 1949; and Caracas, 1951;

Considering that the Pan American Medical Confederation is composed of the majority of the medical associations of the Americas, which in turn represent the majority of the physicians of their respective countries; and

[Considering that] the request that this Confederation be recognized officially by the Pan American Sanitary Organization has been heard and duly supported by representatives of several Member Countries,


1. To recognize officially the Pan American Medical Confederation as a nongovernmental organization representative of the medical associations of the Americas.

2. To authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to reach an agreement with the Pan American Medical Confederation as to the manner in which relations between the two are to be established.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 24

CD5.R18    The Directing Council,

Considering that the first report submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau pursuant to Resolution XIII of the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference, with a statement of principles, contains standards to serve as a guide in the solution of public health problems in the Americas, which are essentially the same as those governing the organization and development of public health services in general;

Considering that the organization and administration of public health services are in constant evolution, so that the principles set forth are not intended to cover all aspects of the problem; and

Considering that the opinions expressed by the Directing Council will provide the Director with the necessary guidance for the continuation and completion of the task that has been undertaken,


To approve in principle the standards submitted by the Director in Document CD5/58, and to instruct the Director to request the Governments to transmit to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau their suggestions on the fundamental principles of Pan American health, so that they may be incorporated in the text of the document in preparation.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 25

CD5.R19    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Directing Council, at its IV Meeting, and the Executive Committee, at its 13th Meeting, indicated the need for developing a bilingual staff for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and expressed the desire that special compensation be provided for such personnel;

Considering that the World Health Organization has approved a workable plan for providing additional monetary recognition for those who have the ability to read, write, speak, and understand two or more languages used in the work of the Organization;

Considering that it is the policy of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to afford equal treatment to the personnel of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and [to the staff of the] World Health Organization; and

Considering that the Executive Committee, at its 14th Meeting, recommended [that] the V Meeting of the Directing Council [approve] the proposal of the Director with respect to the granting of additional compensation to bilingual staff members,


1. To approve the decision of the Director to set up language examinations, and also to grant special compensation for personnel under the local salary scale.

2. To request the Director to continue his administrative efforts to develop a bilingual staff for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 25

CD5.R20    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau has completed negotiations for and effected participation in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Plan for all but five members of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau staff;

Considering that the Director has provided pension coverage for these five staff members in the Pan American Union Retirement and Pension Fund; and

[Having studied] Document CD5/13, concerning the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and the retirement age for Pan American Sanitary Bureau staff,


To take note of and approve the action of the Director.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 26

CD5.R21    The Directing Council,

Considering that the staff of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, with the exception of five staff members, are now participating in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund;

Considering that these five staff members remain in the Pan American Union Retirement and Pension Fund and now enjoy insurance benefits in cases of disability substantially greater than those afforded under the Contingency Fund of the Pan American Union; and

Considering that the need for participation in the Contingency Fund has now disappeared, and [bearing in mind] the recommendation made by the Executive Committee at its 14th Meeting,


1. To approve the action of the Director in suspending negotiations with the Pan American Union for participation in its Contingency Fund.

2. To recommend that coverage under the Contingency Fund of the Pan American Union not be established for the staff members of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau who do not participate in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 26

CD5.R22    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Fourth World Health Assembly has adopted Staff Regulations to govern the fundamental conditions of service and the basic rights, duties, and obligations of the World Health Organizations staff; and

Considering that it is the desire of the Directing Council to have uniform regulations for the personnel of both the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the World Health Organization, and that Document CD5/12 has been studied and its authority under existing Regulation 31 taken into [account],


To adopt the Staff Regulations set forth in the annex to the present resolution as the official Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, it being understood that Regulation 11.2 shall not become operative until the arrangements with the United Nations Administrative Tribunal are completed and that in the interim the present appeals procedure shall remain in force.


Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Scope and Purpose

The Staff Regulations embody the fundamental conditions of service and the basic rights, duties, and obligations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau staff. They are the broad principles of personnel policy for the guidance of the Director in the staffing and administration of the Bureau. The Director may, as Chief Administrative Officer, provide and enforce such Staff Rules consistent with these principles as he considers necessary.

Article 1-Duties, Obligations, and Privileges

1.1 All staff members of the Bureau are international civil servants. Their responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. By accepting appointment they pledge themselves to discharge their functions and to regulate their conduct with the interests of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau only in view.

1.2 All staff members are subject to the authority of the Director and to assignment by him to any of the activities or offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau. They are responsible to him in the exercise of their functions. In principle, the whole time of the staff, shall be at the disposal of the Director.

1.3 In the performance of their duties staff members shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any Government or from any other authority external to the Bureau or the World Health Organization.

1.4 No staff member shall accept, hold, or engage in any office or occupation that is incompatible with the proper discharge of his duties with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

1.5 Staff members shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner compatible with their status as international civil servants. They shall avoid any action and in particular any kind of public pronouncement that may adversely reflect on their status. While they are not expected to give up their national sentiments or their political and religious convictions, they shall at all times bear in mind the reserve and tact incumbent upon them by reason of their international status.

1.6 Staff members shall exercise the utmost discretion in regard to all matters of official business. They shall not communicate to any person any information known to them by reason of their official position that has not been made public, except in the course of their duties or by authorization of the Director. At no time shall they in any way use to private advantage information known to them by reason of their official position. These obligations do not cease with separation from service.

1.7 No staff member shall accept any honor, decoration, favor, gift, or remuneration from any Government, or from any other source external to the Bureau, if such acceptance is incompatible with his status as an international civil servant.

1.8 Any staff member who becomes a candidate for a public office of a political character shall resign from the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

1.9 The immunities and privileges attaching to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau are conferred in the interest of the Bureau. These privileges and immunities furnish no excuse to staff members for nonperformance of their private obligations or failure to observe laws and police regulations. The decision whether to waive any privileges or immunities of the staff in any case that arises shall rest with the Director.

1.10 All staff members shall subscribe to the following oath or declaration:

"I solemnly swear (undertake, affirm, promise) to exercise in all loyalty, discretion, and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, to discharge those functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other authority external to the Bureau or the World Health Organization."

1.11 The oath or declaration shall be made orally by the Director at a public meeting of the Directing Council, and by other staff members before the Director or his authorized deputy.

Article II-Classification of Posts and Staff

2.1 Appropriate provision shall be made by the Director for the classification of posts and staff according to the nature of the duties and resposibilities required.

Article III-Salaries and Related Allowances

3.1 The salaries for the Assistant Director and the Secretary General shall be determined by the Director of the Bureau with the approval of the Executive Committee.

3.2 Salary levels for other staff members shall be determined by the Director following basically the scale of salaries and allowances of the World Health Organization, provided that for staff occupying positions subject to local recruitment the Director may establish salaries and allowances in accordance with the best prevailing local practices. Any deviations from the World Health Organization scales of salaries and allowances that may be necessary for the equirements of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall be subject to the approval of, or may be authorized by, the Executive Committee.

3.3 The basic salary rates shall be adjusted at duty stations away from Headquarters by the application of salary differentials that take into account the relative cost of living for the staff members concerned, standards of living, and related factors.

Article IV-Appointment and Promotion

4.1 The Director shall appoint staff members as required.

4.2 The paramount consideration in the appointment, transfer, or promotion of staff members shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting and maintaining the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.

4.3 Selection of staff members shall be without regard to race, creed, or sex. So far as is practicable, selection shall be made on a competitive basis.

4.4 Without prejudice to the inflow of fresh talent at the various levels, vacancies shall be filled by promotion of persons already in the service of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau in preference to persons from outside. This preference shall also be applied on a reciprocal basis to the World Health Organization and the Pan American Union.

Article V-Annual and Special Leave

5.1 Staff members shall be allowed appropriate annual leave. In exceptional cases, special leave may be authorized by the Director.

5.2 In order that staff members may take their leave periodically in their home countries, the Bureau shall allow necessary traveling time for that purpose, under conditions and definitions prescribed by the Director.

Article VI-Social Security

6.1 Provision shall be made for the participation of staff members in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in accordance with the regulations of that fund. Staff members not eligible to participate in this fund shall participate in a staff provident fund under conditions to be established by the Director.

6.2 The Director shall establish a scheme of social security for the staff, including provisions for health protection, sick leave, and maternity leave and reasonable compensation in the event of illness, accident, or death arising out of or in the course of performing official duties on behalf of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Article VII-Travel and Removal Expenses

7.1 Subject to conditions and definitions prescribed by the Director, the Bureau shall pay the travel expenses of staff members and, in appropriate cases, their dependents

Upon appointment and on subsequent change of official duty station;

Upon the taking of leave at home when authorized; and

Upon separation from service.

7.2 Subject to conditions and definitions prescribed by the Director, the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall pay removal costs for staff members

Upon appointment and on subsequent change of official duty station; and

Upon separation from service.

Article VIII-Staff Relations

8.1The Director shall make provision for staff participation in the discussion of policies relating to staff questions.

Article IX-Separation from Service

9.1Staff members may resign from the Pan American Sanitary Bureau upon giving the Director the notice required under the terms of their appointment.

9.2The Director may terminate the appointment of a staff member in accordance with the terms of his appointment, or if the necessities of the service require aboliton of the post or reduction of the staff, if the services of the individual concerned prove unsatisfactory, or if he is, for reasons of health, incapacitated for further service.

9.3If the Director terminates an appointment, the staff member shall be given notice and indemnity payment in accordance with the terms of his appointment.

9.4The Director shall establish a scheme for the payment of repatriation grants.

9.5Normally, staff members shall not be retained in active service beyond the age specified in the appropriate pension fund regulations as the age of retirement. The Director may, in the interests of the Bureau, extend this age limit in exceptional cases.

Article X-Disciplinary Measures

10.1The Director may impose disciplinary measures on staff members whose conduct is unsatisfactory. He may summarily dismiss a member of the staff for serious misconduct.

Article XI-Appeals

11.1The Director shall establish administrative machinery, with staff participation, to advise him in case of any appeal by staff members against an administrative decision alleging the nonobservance of their terms of appointment, including all pertinent regulations and rules, or against disciplinary action.

11.2Any dispute that cannot be resolved internally, arising between the Bureau and a member of the staff regarding the fulfillment of the contract of the said member, shall be referred for final decision to the United Nations Administrative Tribunal.

Article XII-General Provisions

12.1These regulations may be supplemented or amended by the Directing Council without prejudice to the acquired rights of the staff members.

12.2The Director shall report annually to the Directing Council such staff rules and amendments thereto as he may make to implement these regulations after confirmation by the Executive Committee.

12.3The Director, by virtue of the authority vested in him as the chief technical and administrative officer of the Bureau, may delegate to other officers of the Bureau such of his powers as he considers necessary for the effective implementation of these regulations.

12.4In case of doubt as to the meaning of the foregoing regulations, the Director is authorized to rule thereon, subject to confirmation of the ruling by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 27

CD5.R23    The Directing Council,

Considering that Article 12.2 of the Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau provides that the Director shall report annually to the Directing Council such provisions or amendments as he introduces into the Staff Rules, after confirmation by the Executive Committee; and

Considering that the Executive Committee, at its 14th Meeting, 1 approved provisions 113.2, 655, and 1315 of the Staff Rules, by virtue whereof the entire text of the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau has been confirmed,


To take note of the changes made in the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and approved by the Director and confirmed by the Executive Committee at its 14th Meeting.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 31

CD5.R24    The Directing Council,

Considering that a study of both the increasing responsibility attached to the executive posts of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the status of the personnel of other similar organizations has led to the conclusion that it is necessary to revise the salaries assigned to the nonclassified positions,


To authorize the Executive Committee to proceed as follows:

a) To increase the salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau from $15,000, which was assigned to him at the 6th Meeting of the Executive Committee in Mexico in 1948, to $16,000, plus an allowance of $6,000.

b) To increase the salary of the Assistant Director from $13,000 to $15,000, plus allowances and verified representation expenses, and to discontinue the $2,000 previously assigned for expenses.

c) To increase the salary of the Secretary General from $12,000 to $14,000, plus allowances and verified representation expenses, and to discontinue the $2,000 previously assigned for expenses.

d)To make the increases above retroactive to 1 July 1951.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 32

CD5.R25    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau is contributing 14 per cent to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund for staff members participating in this Fund, whereas a contribution of only 7 per cent is at present being [made] to the Pan American Union Retirement and Pension Fund for the five staff members who remained in that Fund; and

Considering that it is the policy of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to extend equal benefits to all staff members,


1. To approve the action of the Director in making arrangements for increasing the contribution of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to the account of the five staff members participating in the Pan American Union Retirement and Pension Fund.

2. To authorize the Director to increase from 7 to 14 per cent the amount contributed by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to the Pan American Union Retirement and Pension Fund for the staff members remaining in that Fund as of 1 January 1951.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 32

CD5.R26    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Fourth World Health Assembly has adopted International Regulations No. 2, which contain the sanitary provisions required for international traffic and are the result of a long and careful technical study in which experts from all the Member States have participated;

Considering that agreements of this nature are vested with the full and mandatory force of a convention, voiding previous conventions and treaties and serving, in fact, as a revision of all those that are in any manner contrary to the new rules thus established;

Considering that the Pan American Sanitary Code contains a series of articles referring to international traffic, many of which are now inadequate and require revision; and

Considering that the Executive Committee has submitted to this Council ample information on all matters related to the drafting and approval of International Regulations No. 2 and their possible conflict with the Pan American Sanitary Code,


1. To express its satisfaction with the work accomplished at the Fourth World Health Assembly by the members of the Region of the Americas, and to emphasize particularly the participation of Dr. Alfredo Norberto Bica in the preparation of International Regulations No. 2.

2. To recommend to the American countries, signatories of the Pan American Sanitary Code (Havana, 1924), an Additional Protocol thereto, wherein provision would be made:

a) To void Articles 2, 9, 10, 11, 16 to 53 inclusive, 61, and 62 of the Pan American Sanitary Code, relating to international traffic;

b) To add a clause that would authorize the introduction of periodic amendments, to be entrusted to the Pan American Sanitary Conference within the rules set forth in Article 24 of the Constitution; and

c) To entrust the Pan American Sanitary Bureau with the publication in Spanish of the International Sanitary Regulations No. 2, to be distributed among the health authorities of the Members of the Organization.

3. [To recommend] that all the American Republics take the appropriate measures for the application of the International Sanitary Regulations adopted by the World Health Assembly on 25 May 1951.

4.To appoint three of its representatives to draft the Protocol to which reference is made in paragraph 2 of this resolution.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 33

CD5.R27    The Directing Council,

Elected Ecuador and Mexico to fill the vacancies on the Executive Committee created by the termination of the periods of office of Argentina and Guatemala.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 34

CD5.R28    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Financial Regulations approved by the Directing Council provide that "the Directing Council shall appoint External Auditor(s) of international repute to audit the accounts of the Bureau. Auditor(s) appointed may be removed only by the Directing Council" (Article XII, Regulation 12.1);

Considering that the name of Mr. Uno Brunskog, Auditor General of Sweden, who is also serving as External Auditor for the World Health Organization, was proposed; and

Considering that Mr. Brunskog was invited by the Directing Council to serve as External Auditor for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and has expressed his willingness to serve in that capacity,


To appoint Mr. Uno Brunskog as External Auditor for the Pan American Sanitary Organization, and to authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to negotiate the terms and to enter into contract with Mr. Brunskog.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 34

CD5.R29    The Directing Council,

Considering that it is necessary to establish a basic policy regarding the procurement services performed by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau,


1. [To request] that the following provisions be made part of the internal regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau concerning procurement procedures:

a) The Bureau shall furnish procurement services only to nonprofit institutions and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Minister and/or Director of Health of the respective country;

b) The 3 per cent service charge now in effect shall be continued, and will be applied only onthe net cost of the items purchased;

c) Before purchases are made, an amount equal to the total cost as estimated by the Bureau shall be deposited in dollars to the credit of the Bureau, which can draw freely upon that amount to make payments, including partial payments, as they become due, such deposits [to] be made either by check or bank draft payable on sight to the Bureau, or by irrevocable letter of credit payable to the Bureau upon demand;

d) Partial shipments may be made, and upon completion of the purchase the Bureau shall send to the respective purchaser a statement of account together with the supporting documents; the Government concerned may at any time request a statement of account to date and/or the refund of unexpended balances; form letters shall be used wherever possible to acknowledge the receipt of orders, transmit documents, etc., as an economy measure;

e) Any discount or other saving shall be passed on to the Government concerned; when quotations are requested for the purpose of comparison with prices submitted by local dealers, the Bureau shall be so informed; the acceptance of quotations and authorization to purchase shall be the responsibility of the Government, as shall also be the responsibility to deposit funds with the Bureau in time to take advantage of the prices offered in a given quotation; the Bureau shall not be responsible for any increase in price;

f) In all cases the Goverments shall supply import permits, if required, at the time that purchase orders are authorized; and

g) It shall be understood that the Bureau neither buys nor sells but acts merely as a nonprofit agent for the Member Governments, for whose convenience procurement services are made available.

2. [To provide] that orders received by the Bureau prior to the adoption of this resolution be handled under the conditions previously in effect.

3. To instruct the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to transmit the text of this resolution to all the Member Governments.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 35

CD5.R30    The Directing Council,

Considering that it is the desire of the Governing Bodies of the Pan American Sanitary Organization that the site for the construction of a permanent Headquarters building for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau be located in the United States of America;

Considering that, in order to formalize the offer made by the United States Delegation, the Pan American Sanitary Bureau must notify the U.S. Department of State of the Bureau's desire to have the property contemplated in the offer made available to the Bureau; and

[Having examined] the property to determine its suitability as the location for the Headquarters of the Bureau,


To request the Director to inform the Government of the United States of the decision reached by the Directing Council based upon the Council's inspection of the property contemplated in the offer, and to express to that Government the Directing Council's desire to receive another offer of land that may be more suitably located as the site for the construction of the permanent Headquarters for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 36

CD5.R31    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the Executive Board of the World Health Organization has invited the Regional Committee to consider the advisability of holding Technical Discussions on matters of Regional interest;

Considering that the meetings of the Regional Committee afford a good opportunity for the exchange of views and experiences among the countries of the Americas on technical subjects of general interest;

Considering that Technical Discussions will take place immediately following the IV Meeting of the Regional Committee [VI Meeting of the Directing Council] at the First Inter-American Congress of Public Health, to be held at Havana, Cuba, in 1952; and

Considering that it is desirable that arrangements be made for the Technical Discussions at future meetings of the Regional Committee on the basis of the experience gained by the World Health Assemblies,


1. To request the Executive Committee to select the subject or subjects for the Technical Discussions at the V Meeting of the Regional Committee [VII Meeting of the Directing Council], to be held at Washington, D.C., in 1953, so that:

a) The subjects selected will be sufficiently restrictive in character so that the discussions will be capable of producing immediate and practical results; and

b) The subjects chosen will be such as will come directly within the scope of action of public health administrators, in order to avoid the expense to Member States of including additional experts on their delegations to the meetings of the Regional Committee.

2. To request the Regional Director to make the necessary preparation for the Technical Discussions to take place at the V Meeting of the Regional Committee and to prepare the budget estimates for the publication of the technical papers presented.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 36

CD5.R32    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the Fourth World Health Assembly has requested the Regional Committees of the World Health Organization to take early and continuous action to persuade the Member States in their regions to adopt the recommendation contained in Resolution WHA4.80,


To bring to the attention of the health authorities of the Americas the recommendation of the Fourth World Health Assembly urging all Governments to improve sanitary and environmental conditions, especially in and around ports and airports, and in particular, that they

1. Eliminate and prevent the recurrence of the breeding places of rodent, mosquito, and ectoparasite vectors of human diseases;

2. Eliminate cholera infection by providing, inter alia, pure water and food supplies and services for the proper disposal of human wastes;

3. Raise the level of protection, by vaccination where appropriate, or by other means, against plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, and typhus; and

4. Relax, when necessary, and health conditions are satisfactory, the application of the pertinent articles of World Health Organization Regulation No. 2 in their territories.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 37

CD5.R33    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the World Health Organization, acting through its World Assembly, its Executive Board, and its Director-General, has approved a program of work for the period 1952 to 1955, and [that] the Director-General is desirous of obtaining an expression of opinion of the Regional Committee for the Americas on the long-range general plan, which would serve as a basis for the drafting of such a general program of work for the period 1953 to 1956;

[Bearing in mind that] the international public health program for the Americas should harmonize the principles adopted by the World Health Organization and those of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, the latter being the result of fifty years' experience of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau; and

Considering that the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, at this meeting, has approved a resolution 1 relative to the program and budget policy of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, by which the Director is requested to evaluate the needs of the countries in the field of public health, indicating the priority for each need, and to present to a future meeting of the Directing Council a long-range program for the Organization, based on his findings,


1. To approve that the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, in the preparation of the long-range programs of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas, take into account the programs of the Pan American Sanitary Organization and those of other organizations that cooperate with the Regional Office for the Americas.

2. To declare that, when the Director drafts the long-range program of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, pursuant to the resolution of this V Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, he take into account the data [that have been] obtained with the [idea] of [using them also] in the preparation of the proposed General Program of Work for the Region of the Americas to be presented to the Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 38

CD5.R34    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the Executive Board of the World Health Organization, at its Seventh Session, on 6 June 1951, requested the Director-General of the World Health Organization to transmit to the Regional Committees the recommendations contained in the report on the Second Session of the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Nutrition (Document WHO/NUT/18) for inclusion when possible in future programs; and

Considering that the Director-General has suggested that the Council be informed of this item,


To approve that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, inform the Member States of the recommendations of the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Nutrition (Document WHO/NUT/18), suggesting that these recommendations be included in future national programs as soon as possible.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 39

CD5.R35    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that the Director-General of the World Health Organization has brought Resolution WHA4.16 of the Fourth World Health Assembly to the attention of Regional Committees, in which it is stated that the relevant programs of the United Nations, including those of the Department of Social Affairs and UNICEF and of ILO, FAO, UNESCO, and WHO, would, when fully coordinated, constitute a reasonably comprehensive and coherent plan for international assistance to national programs for the benefit of children; and

Considering that the Director-General has been requested to take the necessary measures to strengthen and further develop activities of the World Health Organization for assistance to national programs for the benefit of children, and, to that end, to continue cooperation with the United Nations, including UNICEF and the other responsible specialized agencies, both directly and through the mechanism established by the Economic and Social Council for that purpose,


To approve this recommendation as a whole, requesting the Regional Director, for his part, to take measures to bring about a closer cooperation and to facilitate negotiations between technical assistance bodies and technical institutions so that the programs may be developed more effectively.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 39

CD5.R36    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Director-General of the World Organization has sent a communication to the Regional Committee on the subject of supply of insecticides, together with the relevant resolution of the Fourth World Health Assembly, [that] the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau made a supplementary report recounting the steps taken to obtain export-permit priority for insecticides for the health services of countries both in the Americas and in other parts of the world, and [that it is] possible difficulties might arise after January 1952 because of the short supply thereof;

Considering that there is urgent need that such insecticides be requested before the end of 1951 to make it possible to obtain the necessary priorities for the quotas requested by the Member Countries of the Pan American Sanitary Organization; and

Considering that the Government of the United States has given valuable and very helpful support to these requests,


1.To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to continue taking measures so that, as far as possible, the Member Countries will obtain the quotas necessary for their services, which represent a need not only of national but also of international health.

2. To repeat the recommendations for the most economical possible application of the insecticides, inter alia, by combining in a single program the fight against various arthropod-borne diseases.

3. To make the urgent request that all the Member Countries of the Pan American Sanitary Organization report to the Bureau prior to 31 December 1951 their quota requirements up to 30 June 1952, such requests to be accompanied by funds to meet their cost.

4. To request the Member Governments to indicate prior to 1 March 1952 their estimated insecticide requirements for the period 1 July 1952 to 30 June 1953.

5. To extend on behalf of the Directing Council a vote of thanks to the Government of the United States of America for the cooperation offered in this regard.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 40

CD5.R37    The Directing Council,

Acting as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas,

Considering that Article 61 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization provides that "each Member shall report annually to the Organization on the action taken and progress achieved in improving the health of its people";

Considering that the Director-General of the World Health Organization has consulted with Member States regarding a list of headings for annual reports to be transmitted in compliance with Article 61, and has submitted a report on the results of his consultation to the Executive Board; and

Considering that the Executive Board of the World Health Organization has recommended that "the Regional Organizations use their influence to obtain information from the Members of the Regions in the form of uniform or comparable annual reports and statements suitable for incorporation in the records of WHO,"


To approve the preparation by the Executive Committee of a model annual report that will make it possible to compile easily and uniformly the information contained in the annual reports, attempting to make the model questionnaire basic and concise.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 41

CD5.R38    The Directing Council,

Considering that the several opinions expressed during the discussions on amending the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council indicate the need for a more exhaustive study of the proposed amendments,


1. To transmit the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure to the Executive Committee for study.

2. To request the Executive Committee to present its recommendations thereon to the Directing Council at its next meeting.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 42

CD5.R39    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Government of Cuba selected the subject "Rural Sanitation" as the first official topic for the First Inter-American Congress of Public Health, and that the Executive Committee was requested to select the remaining two official topics; and

Considering that the Executive Committee prepared a list of topics and submitted it to the Directing Council to enable the Council to select the two topics needed to complete the number of official topics,


1.[To stipulate] that the official topics shall be:

a) "Rural Sanitation";

b) "Organization and Integration of Public Health Services":

i) "Recognition of the Public Health Career";

ii) "Adequate Remuneration and Full-Time Employment in the Public Health Career"; and

c) "Recent Developments in Disease Treatment and Control."

2. To authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, in collaboration with the Government of Cuba, to invite experts to develop the topics selected by the Directing Council.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 42

CD5.R40    The Directing Council,

[Considering that] the Directing Council at its V Meeting has adopted a resolution recommending, inter alia, that the Representative States of non-self-governing territories be granted the vote on budget matters of the Pan American Sanitary Organization provided this vote be contingent upon an equitable contribution being made by them to the Pan American Sanitary Organization budget,


1.To instruct the Director to compute the annual contributions in respect to the territories of France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom in the Western Hemisphere, on the following basis:

a) For each group of territories select the Member State whose capacity to pay is most comparable to that of the group;

b) Divide the amount assessed the most comparable Member State by its total population; and

c) Multiply the per capita assessment of the most comparable Member State (derived in step b) by the total population of the respective groups of territories, the resulting sum being the amount of the contribution for the group.

2.To instruct the Director to consult each Representative State in the selection of the Member State whose capacity to pay is most comparable to the group of territories which it represents.

3.To instruct the Director to inform the Executive Committee annually of the manner in which the most comparable Member State was selected.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 42

CD5.R41    The Directing Council,

Considering that the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference resolved to hold the First Inter-American Congress of Public Health in the city of Havana, Cuba, in 1952, in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Pan American Sanitary Organization; and

Considering that the 13th Meeting of the Executive Committee resolved that the VI Meeting of the Directing Council, as well as the two meetings of the Executive Committee, will also be held in Havana, Cuba,


To fix the following dates for the meetings of the Pan American Sanitary Organization that are to be held in the city of Havana, Cuba:

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 43

CD5.R42    The Directing Council,

Considering that Dr. John R. Murdock has resigned from the Pan American Sanitary Bureau; and

Considering that Dr. Murdock has devoted fifteen years of continuous and valuable service to forwarding the cause of public health in the Americas,


1. To express its deep regret at the resignation of Dr. John R. Murdock, and to place on record the gratitude of the Governments represented on the Council for the valuable services he has rendered.

2. To transmit the text of this resolution to Dr. Murdock.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 44

CD5.R43    The Directing Council,

Having learned with profound regret of the death of Dr. Félix Veintemillas, the illustrious Bolivian physician who for many years rendered valuable services to public health in the Americas and to whose memory homage was paid at one of the sessions of the present meeting by observing a minute of silence,


To convey to the Government of Bolivia its deepest sympathy upon the death of Dr. Félix Veintemillas.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 44

CD5.R44    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Directing Council, in pursuance of Resolution XXVI of this V Meeting, appointed the Representatives of Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba to draw up the draft of the protocol referred to in the aforesaid resolution; and

Considering that at its closing plenary session the Council approved the draft protocol submitted by the aforementioned representatives,


1. To recommend that the countries of the Americas, signatories of the Pan American Sanitary Code (Havana, 1924), adopt the following Additional Protocol thereto:

a) Articles 2, 9, 10, 11, 16 to 53 inclusive, 61, and 62 of the Pan American Sanitary Code (Havana, 1924), all of which refer to international traffic, are void; and

b) Henceforth, any periodic amendment that it should be appropriate to make in the titles, sections, or articles of the Pan American Sanitary Code shall be the responsibility of the Pan American Sanitary Conference, to which reference is made in the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization; for any such appropriate amendment to be valid the provisions of Article 24 of the Constitution of the Pan American Sanitary Organization (Buenos Aires, 1947) shall be carried out.

2. To instruct the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau that, in submitting the draft Additional Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 to the Governments signatories of the Havana Convention, he attach thereto the documents embodying the considerations warranting the aforementioned Protocol, including all the documents on this topic that have been submitted to the 14th Meeting of the Executive Committee and to the V Meeting of the Directing Council.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 44-5

CD5.R45    The Directing Council,

The Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization wishes to express its thanks to:

Also wishes to express its thanks to the Members of the United States Delegation to the Directing Council, for their personal and official courtesies, and to the officers and staff of the Division of International Conferences of the Department of State for their courtesy in facilitating the use of their conference rooms and equipment.

Sept.-Oct. 1951 Pub. 270, 45-6