IX Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization


CD9.R1    The Directing Council,

Having examined the recommendations made by the Executive Committee in Resolution VI of its 28th Meeting on the interpretation that should be given to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council with respect to the two-thirds majority vote and to a quorum;

Considering, moreover, the precedent set by the Directing Council for its work at previous meetings, and followed at the current meeting, whereby the Council does not establish main committees but discusses all topics at plenary sessions, appointing working parties to study certain topics; and

Considering that, consequently, the membership of the General Committee cannot include the Chairman of the main committees, as provided in Article 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council, and it is therefore advisable to change this article,


1.      To approve, in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive Committee, the following interpretation of the Rules of Procedure that relate to a quorum and to the vote required for the adoption of a resolution:

A resolution shall be considered adopted if it obtains a simple majority vote of the representatives of the Members who cast an affirmative or a negative vote, or a two-thirds majority in those instances in which a two-thirds majority is required by the Rules of Procedure or by decision of the Council in accordance with Article 6, paragraph B, of the Constitution. It is not necessary that the number of affirmative and negative votes cast in any particular case be equal to or greater than the number required to establish a quorum.

2.       To approve the following amendments to the Rules of Procedure:

a)    Amend Article 8 of the Rules of Procedure to read as follows: "The presence of a majority of representatives of the Members of the Directing Council shall be required to constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Council";

b)    Insert a new Article, 8(a), to read as follows: "A majority of the representatives of the Members of the Directing Council participating in a meeting shall constitute a quorum in a plenary session, provided that the number is not less than ten"; and

c)    In Article 10, substitute the words "this article" for the words "these Rules" at the beginning of the second sentence.

3.      To amend also Article 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Council so that it reads as follows:

The General Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Directing Council, who shall serve as the Chairman of the General Committee, the two Vice-Chairmen of the Directing Council, and four additional representatives who are not already serving on the General Committee. The Secretary of the Directing Council shall serve as Secretary of the General Committee, without the right to vote. The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall serve as member ex-officio of the General Committee, without the right to vote.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 6

CD9.R2    The Directing Council,

Having examined the Annual Report (Document CD9/23), presented by Dr. Jorge Jiménez Gandica (Colombia), as Chairman of the 27th, 28th, and 29th Meetings of the Executive Committee,

To approve the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee and to congratulate the Chairman, Dr. Jorge Jiménez Gandica, the Vice-Chairmna, Dr. Manuel A. Sánchez Vigil, and all members of he Committee on the work that has been accomplished.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 7

CD9.R3    The Directing Council,

Having examined the report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization for the Americas, for the year 1955 (Official Document Nº 16),


To take note of the Report of the Director and to congratulate him thereon.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 7

CD9.R4    The Directing Council,

Having examined the Financial Report on the Director and Report of the External Auditor for 1955 (Official Document Nº 15), and

Noting the action taken by the Executive Committee at its 28th Meeting regarding the aforesaid reports (Resolution V),


To approve the Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for the fiscal year 1955 (Official Document Nº 15)

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 7-8

CD9.R5    The Directing Council,

Having examined and discussed Official Document 17, which contains the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization for 1957, as prepared by the Executive Committee with the cooperation of the Director; and

Considering that the recommendation of the Executive Committee, at its 28th Meeting, that the Proposed Program and Budget for 1957, as presented, be approved,


1.           To approve the Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization for 1957 contained in Official Document 17.

2.      To appropriate for the financial year 1957 an amount of $2,400,000, as follows:

3.      [To approve that] amounts not exceeding the appropriations noted under paragraph 2 be [made] available for the payment of obligations, in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Bureau, incurred during the period 1 January to 31 December 1957, inclusive.

4.      [To approve that] the appropriations as noted above be financed by contributions from the Member Governments according to Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code; contributions on behalf of the territories of France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom according to Resolutions XV and XL of the V Meeting of the Directing Council; and miscellaneous income accruing to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau.

5.      [To authorize] the Director to transfer credits between parts of the budget, provided that such transfers of credits between parts as are made do not exceed 10 per cent of the part from which the credit is transferred. Transfers of credits between parts of the budget in excess of 10 per cent may be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. All transfers of budget credits shall be reported to the Directing Council.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 8

CD9.R6    The Directing Council,

Having examined the report on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD9/19), reflecting the status of the outstanding contributions as of 31 August 1956; and

Bearing in mind Resolutions X of the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference, which states that delays in the receipt of quota contributions limit the development of long-range programs to be undertaken in the Americas,


To take note of the report on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD9/19).

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 9

CD9.R7    The Directing Council,

Having studied the report of the Director regarding the total available funds of the Bureau as of 31 December 1955, amounting to $123,524, and noting Resolution XIV of the VIII Meeting of the Directing Council authorizing the Director to establish a Building Reserve Fund;

Considering the recommendations of the Director regarding the utilization of these funds, with which the Permanent Subcommittee on Buildings and Installations concurred; and

Having noted the action taken by the Executive Committee at its 28th Meeting regarding the aforecited recommendations,


To approve the recommendations of the Director, which were supported by the Permanent Subcommittee on Buildings and Installations, to:

a)    Transfer to the Building Reserve Fund $100,000 of the available funds from the year 1955; and

b)    Transfer the balance of the funds available, amounting to $23,524, to a special account for the purpose of meeting the initial expenses of architectural plans for the construction of a new Headquarters building.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 9

CD9.R8    The Directing Council,

Having examined the report on the Emergency Revolving Fund submitted by the Director (Document CD9/21),


To take note of the said report.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 9

CD9.R9    The Directing Council,

Having considered the recommendation of the 28th Meeting of the Executive Committee (Resolution VIII) that the Director be authorized to utilize as much of the Building Reserve Fund as may be required in the event that additional funds should be necessary for the intensification of the malaria eradication program;

Being aware that the External Auditor and the Permanent Subcommittee on Buildings and Installations recommended the elimination of such a qualification; and

Noting Article VI, paragraph 6.8, of the Financial Regulations, which stipulates that the purpose and limits of each Trust, Reserve, and Special Fund shall be clearly defined by the appropriate authority,

To authorize the Director to utilize as much of the Building Reserve Fund as may be required in the event that additional funds should be necessary for the intensification of the malaria eradication program.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 9

CD9.R10    The Directing Council,

Considering the outstanding services performed by Dr. Miguel E. Bustamante during the years he served as Secretary General, particularly during the critical days of the reorganization of the Bureau;

Taking into account the special circumstances in which the persons in ungraded posts served during the period prior to 1951; and

Having considered the recommendation of the Executive Committee contained in Resolution II of its 28th Meeting,


1.      To authorize the allocation of $2,000 as compensation in addition to the repatriation grant of Dr. Miguel E. Bustamante.

2.      To express to Dr. Bustamante the recognition of the Directing Council for the efficient service that he rendered to the Organization during the eight years of his employment as Secretary General.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 10

CD9.R11    The Directing Council,

Having examined the Regional projects under the United Nations Expanded Program of Technical Assistance that appear in Official Document 17 of the Pan American Sanitary Organization,


To approve the Regional projects that will be financed in 1957 with funds from the aforesaid Expanded Program and are to be submitted to the United Nations Technical Assistance Board.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 10

CD9.R12    The Directing Council,

Having studied Resolution WHA9.20 of the Ninth World Health Assembly on "Sessions of Regional Committees outside the Regional Headquarters";

Recalling that the policy on holding meetings of the Governing Bodies of the Pan American Sanitary Organization was established in Resolutions VIII and IX of the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference (1950) and that, according to the established pattern, over a four-year cycle two meetings are held at Headquarters, in odd years, and two meetings away from Headquarters, in even years;

Noting that the cycle of meetings for the four-year periods 1951-1958 and 1955-1958 follows the pattern established by the aforementioned resolutions, and that the budgetary implications of these meetings are planned two years in advance;

Noting that, in accordance with Resolution VI of the VIII Meeting of the Directing Council, the host Government [in question] participates in the cost of meetings held away from Headquarters; and

Having examined the report of the Director [contained] in Document CD9/20, 1 and the proposal to establish a reserve fund for the purpose of equalizing the costs of organizational meetings over a four-year cycle,


1.      To take note of Resolution WHA9.20, and to point out that the patterns for meetings of the Pan American Sanitary Conference and the Directing Council, which serve as the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas, conform to the recommendations of the World Health Assembly with respect to meetings of the Regional Committees.

2.      To authorize the Director to establish a reserve fund for the purpose of equalizing the PASO budget appropriations for the meetings of the Governing Bodies of the Pan American Sanitary Organization held over a four-year period so that the additional costs of holding meetings away from Headquarters may be distributed evenly in each of those four years, and to take this equalization scheme into account in the provisional draft of the program and budget estimates of PASO for 1959 for consideration by the Executive Committee and the Directing Council at their meetings in 1957.

3.      To instruct the Director to propose to the Director-General of the World Health Organization that a similar reserve fund be established in the Region of the Americas for the WHO appropriation in support of meetings of the Directing Council and the Conference, serving as the Regional Committee.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 10

CD9.R13    The Directing Council,

Elected Guatemala and Peru to fill the vacancies on the Executive Committee created by the termination of the periods of office of Argentina and the United States of America.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 11

CD9.R14    The Directing Council,

Upon termination of the terms of office of the Governments of Argentina and the United States of America on the Executive Committee, thanked the representatives of these countries for their collaboration on the Committee.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 11

CD9.R15    The Directing Council,

Considering the increasing importance of the leprosy problem in the Hemisphere, as shown by the report presented by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD9/15)1 and the information furnished by the representatives of the Member States,


1.      To express its satisfaction at the attention given by the Bureau to the leprosy problem in the Americas and to recommend to the countries of the Hemisphere that national programs be revised in accordance with modern concepts and practices of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation.

2.      To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to continue the studies undertaken to determine the extent of the leprosy problem in the Americas and to obtain a knowledge of the various national agencies entrusted with antileprosy work.

3.      To instruct the Director to undertake the studies and measures necessary to provide the fullest possible facilities for the training of personnel of national leprosy services and to promote an exchange of experiences among professionals throughout the Hemisphere.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 12

CD9.R16    The Directing Council,

Bearing in mind the importance of the problem of sanitation in the countries of the Hemisphere and the need for improving the measures applied for the protection of the population in general;

Having examined the report of the Sixth Inter-American Travel Congress, which met at San José, Costa Rica, on 14-21 April 1956, and particularly the resolution on "Minimum Sanitation Standards for Tourist Accommodations"; and

Noting the report of the Director of the Bureau on the action taken at the request of the Organization of American States in appointing a Technical Committee of Experts to prepare a manual containing minimum sanitation standards applicable to tourist accommodations,


1.      To approve the action taken by the Director of the Bureau.

2.      To request the Technical Committee of Experts appointed by the Director to prepare a manual of recommended minimum standards of sanitation in hotels, restaurants, transportation, and other tourist and travel facilities for consideration by the Directing Council.

3.      To request the Technical Committee of Experts, in preparing the manual, to take into account any recommendations that may be made by the joint ICAO/WHO Committee on the Hygiene and Sanitation of Airports.

4.      To request the Director to submit a progress report to the Directing Council at its next meeting.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 12

CD9.R17    The Directing Council,

favorable conditions of employment for the personnel of the two organizations in the Region of the Americas;

Considering the proposals submitted by the World Health Organization to the Committee of the United Nations General Assembly to Review the System of Salaries, Allowances, and Benefits of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies; and

Recognizing that the WHO recommendations, if adopted, would provide more uniform and favorable conditions of employment for regular and project staff, which is the objective the Pan American Sanitary Bureau is striving to attain,


1.     To recommend to the Executive Board of the World Health Organization that in the event the United Nations should fail to authorize a more favorable and a single system of salaries, allowances, and benefits for all staff in all programs, it invoke its authority under Staff Regulation 3.2 so as to permit "any deviations from the United Nations scales of salaries and allowances that may be necessary for the requirements of the World Health Organization."

2.     To authorize the Executive Committee at its 30th Meeting to appoint a subcommittee of three members who, in collaboration with the Director of the Bureau, will review the action taken by the United Nations Assembly; to authorize the subcommittee, in the event the United Nations should fail to authorize a single system of salaries, allowances, and benefits for all staff in all programs, and the WHO Executive Board does not authorize such a system of employment, to take such steps as are necessary to effect a single set of conditions of employment for both regular and project staff.

3.     To instruct the Director to undertake a comprehensive study of the salaries and other compensations offered to public health workers in the Americas and to present a report on this matter, together with recommendations.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 12

CD9.R18    The Directing Council,

Having considered Document CD9/5, 1 on the fellowship program, presented by the Director of the Bureau,


1.      To take note of Document CD9/5.

2.      To request the Director to study as soon as possible, for possible inclusion in the respective regulations, and present to the Executive Committee for consideration, a fellowship program based on an analysis of the following points:

a)    The fundamental suggestions on the payment of stipends to fellows contained in Document CD9/5; and

b)    The creation of various types of fellowships, taking into consideration the following points, among others:

i) The professional or academic status of the fellow;

ii) His professional experience and number of years of post-graduate studies;

iii) The length and type of studies he is going to undertake;

iv) Whether or not he is engaged exclusively in public health work or preventive medicine, [be it] in an administrative, a hospital, or a teaching post;

v) The number of his dependents; and

vi) The financial arrangments made by the respective countries for fellows.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 13

CD9.R19    The Directing Council,

Taking into account the shortage of experts in all branches of public health and preventive medicine, a fact that makes it difficult to carry out and advance health campaigns;

Considering that various countries are carrying forward simultaneously important programs to eradicate in our Hemisphere such diseases as malaria, smallpox, and yaws, or to fight other diseases such as poliomyelitis, infant diarrheas, and yellow fever, and to improve conditions with respect to such problems as cancer, malnutrition, and high infant mortality; and

Taking into account the fact that for the foregoing reasons it is increasingly necessary to have available a larger number of experts,


l.      To recommend again to the Governments of the Member Countries that it is advisable to continue the salaries and perequisites of the positions of civil servants who go abroad for training or advanced study.

2.      To urge the Governments to allocate special budgetary funds in order to make it easier for a larger number of civil servants connected with the public health and preventive medicine services to go abroad for training or advanced study.

3.      To recommend to the Governments that in the cases mentioned above study be given to measures that will enable fellows to obtain U.S. dollars at the official rate of exchange.

4.      To request the Director to transmit this resolution to the Governments of the Member Countries.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 13

CD9.R20    The Directing Council,

Considering that the Director-General of the World Health Organization has asked that Resolution WHA9.52, requesting "Regional Committees to study the subject of the rights and obligations of Associate Members in the regional organizations," be brought to the attention of the Regional Committee;

Having studied the matter when examining Document CD9/14, 1 presented by the Director;

Bearing in mind that it had already considered the matter at its VII Meeting and approved Resolution XXI on the subject; and

Considering that the situation with respect to the Regional Committee for the Americas has not changed,


To reiterate the decision adopted at its VII Meeting to inform the Director-General of the World Health Organization, in reply to the inquiry received, that it is the wish of the Directing Council that no measures be taken to change the present situation with regard to the Regional Committee for the Americas.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 14

CD9.R21    The Directing Council,

Considering Resolution XVIII of the XIII Pan American Sanitary Conference, which instructed the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to promote the intensification and coordination of antimalaria work with a view to achieving the eradication of malaria in the Western Hemisphere;

Considering Resolution XLII of the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference, which provided that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau should carry out the terms of the aforementioned resolution and study international measures to ensure the protection of those countries or territories that have achieved eradication of malaria, and which authorized the Director to secure the financial participation of public or private organizations, national or international, in order to further the aims set forth in that resolution; and

Considering the results obtained in the countries of the Americas in the fight against malaria, particularly the progress made since the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference,


1.     To record the consensus of all countries of the Hemisphere that malaria should be given first priority among public health problems.

2.     To reaffirm its faith in the possibility of eradicating malaria in the Western Hemisphere.

3.     To acknowledge the great efforts that the countries of the Americas have made and are making to bring their anti-malaria programs to completion.

4.     To acknowledge and express its great appreciation for the collaboration provided by the Government of the United States of America in assigning the amount of $1,500,000 to increase the special fund of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for antimalaria activities in the Hemisphere.

5.     To recognize the importance of international collaboration for the success of the malaria eradication program in the Americas, and to declare that the financial participation of UNICEF and of United Nations Technical Assistance has been of special significance in the plan of activities that the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and the various Member Governments are jointly carrying out in this field.

6.     To recommend to the Member Governments that, owing to the urgency of the malaria eradication program, they assign to the national malaria services the necessary rank and authority to expedite the handling of funds and of personnel problems, as one of the means of assuring the success of this program.

7.     To encourage the Member Governments to exert every possible effort, to the extent necessary, to convert their malaria control programs into eradication programs and to assure the provision of the necessary resources so that the eradication programs under way will continue uninterrupted until their completion.

8.     To recommend to those Member Governments that have carried eradication activities to an advanced stage or that consider eradication to have been achieved, that, in their reports on the status of the program, they follow the criteria established by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, enlisting for that purpose the collaboration of experts of those organizations.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 14

CD9.R22    The Directing Council,

Having been apprised of the intention of the Government of Nicaragua to present to the World Health Organization, in due form, a proposal for the adoption of the necessary statutory or procedural amendments to provide that, in the election of the Executive Board of WHO, the wishes expressed by the members of a Region will be taken into account so that proper regional representation will be assured,


To take note of the proposed action of the Government of Nicaragua, and to express its support of the principle of equitable geographic representation that inspired it.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 15

CD9.R23    The Directing Council,

Having examined the report presented by the Rapporteur of the Technical Discussions held during the present meeting [on the topic "Methods for the Preparation of National Public Health Plans"],


1.     To take note of the report on the Technical Discussions, expressing its satisfaction at the manner in which the discussions were conducted and at the accuracy with which the report has interpreted them.

2.     To recommend to the Director of the Bureau that he give the aforementioned report the widest possible distribution.

3.     To reaffirm the importance and advisability of holding the Technical Discussions as part of the business of the Council.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 15

CD9.R24    The Directing Council,

Taking into account the terms of Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Rules for Technical Discussions at Directing Council meetings,


To select the following topic for the Technical Discussions to be held at the X Meeting of the Directing Council, IX Meeting of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas: "Bases and Methods for the Evaluation of Health Programs."

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 16

CD9.R25    The Directing Council,


To request the Director to extend a special invitation to Professor Nicolaas Hendrik Swellengrebel to present a lecture at the next meeting of the Directing Council on the topic "The Place of Social Anthropology in Public Health."

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 16

CD9.R26    The Directing Council,

Having seen Official Document 17 submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and containing the provisional draft of the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization for 1958; and

Taking into account the fact that the provisional draft, when approved, will serve as the basis for the preparation of the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization for 1958 to be submitteed to the 31st Meeting of the Executive Committee [for consideration], and to the X Meeting of the Directing Council in 1957 for final approval,


To take note of the provisional draft of the Proposed Program and Budget of the Pan American Sanitary Organization for 1958.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 16

CD9.R27    The Directing Council,

Having examined Official Document 17 submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and containing the Proposed Program and Budget of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas for 1958; and

Bearing in mind that the Proposed Program and Budget of the Region of the Americas is submitted to the Directing Council, as Regional Committee of the World Health Organization, for review and transmittal to the Director-General of the World Health Organization for consideration in drafting the WHO budget for 1958,


To approve the transmittal of the Proposed Program and Budget of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas for 1958, and to request the Regional Director to transmit it to the Director-General of the World Health Organization so that he may take it into consideration when preparing the WHO budget for 1958.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 16

CD9.R28    The Directing Council,

Recalling that the Sixth World Health Assembly in 1953 expressed its "satisfaction with the development of the organizational structure and functioning of the regional offices";

Believing that the subsequent experience with the form of decentralization provided for in the Constitution of the World Health Organization has proved satisfactory;

Believing that the Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Pan American Sanitary Organization, whereby the Pan American Sanitary Conference, through the Directing Council, and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau serve respectively as the Regional Committee and the Regional Office of the World Health Organization for the Americas, continues to be adequate to ensure effective cooperation between the two organizations; and

Being of the opinion that improvements in the functioning of the regional offices can be achieved within the present framework of regional organizations provided for in the World Health Organization Constitution and the existing Agreement,


1.       To reaffirm the principle of regionalization.

2.       To recommend that the existing pattern of regional organization provided for in the Constitution of the World Health Organization be continued without modification.

3.       To recommend that the Executive Board, in its study on regionalization, direct its attention to the day-to-day operation and administration of WHO programs, with a view to improving the functioning of both Headquarters and Regional offices in order to increase the effectiveness of international health programs.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 17

CD9.R29    The Directing Council,

Having seen Document CD9/6, in which the Director of the Bureau, at the request of the Director-General of the World Health Organization, brought Resolutions WHA9.18, WHA9.35, WHA9.58, WHA9.61, and EB18.R16 to the attention of the Regional Committee for the Americas,


To take note of Document CD9/6 [containing Resolutions WHA9.18 (Status of Collection of Annual Contributions and of Advances to the Working Capital Fund), WHA9.35 (Relations with UNICEF), WHA9.58 (Planning for the 1957 Technical Assistance Program), WHA9.61 (Malaria Eradication), and EB18.R16 (Terms of Reference of the Committee on Malaria Eradication)].

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 17

CD9.R30    The Directing Council,

Having noted the report on the financial resources of the Pan American Sanitary Organization (Document CD9/16) 1 submitted by the rapporteur appointed by the Executive Committee at its 28th Meeting, Dr. Félix Hurtado (Cuba);

Recognizing that the United Nations Technical Assistance Program is making a major contribution to the improvement of world health;

Considering that the opinions expressed in the Council indicate agreement on the point that the present procedures employed for the distribution of Technical Assistance funds in the countries have created some difficulties and should be kept under review;

Expressing the hope that the legislative provisions adopted in the future with respect to the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance will result in simplification and improvement in the operation and administration of that Program, so that it may assist as efficiently as possible in raising the living standards of the peoples of the world; and

Expressing the hope that arrangements will be made for increasing the financial stability of the Program through long-term planning and financing,


1.     To thank the rapporteur for his important report.

2.     To instruct the Director to inform the United Nations Technical Assistance Board, through the appropriate channels, of the view of the Directing Council that there is need for simplifying the programming method at present in use in such a way as to increase the amounts devoted to health.

3.     To invite the attention of the highest authorities of the Member States to the fact that economic development depends on the health and vigor of the people, which can be progressively improved by methods that are readily available at low cost.

4.     To request the Director to study the means whereby the need for improving health conditions will be given adequate consideration by the Governments at the time they formulate their requests for Technical Assistance.

5.     To request the Director to keep the Executive Committee informed of any new development in the administration of the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance that might affect the programs of PASO, and also of the progress of health programs that are assisted by funds from the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 18

CD9.R31    The Directing Council,

Having carefully studied Document CD9/17 1 presented by the Director on the Technical Cooperation Program of the Organization of American States; and

Considering that, under the terms of the Agreement between the Council of the Organization of American States and the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, "the Council of the Organization of American States, its Organs, and the Pan American Union shall consult the Pan American Sanitary Organization on all matters of public health and medical care that are brought to the attention of the former,"


That inter-American health programs to be developed by the Pan American Sanitary Bureau with special or voluntary contributions of Member States made through channels other than the Pan American Sanitary Organization shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Bodies of PASO and shall be administered in accordance with the administration procedures of the Bureau.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 18

CD9.R32    The Directing Council,


To express its appreciation:

1.       To His Excellency the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas, for the generous hospitality and the courtesies that his country has extended to the Organization, all of which have contributed to the success of the Council's activities;

2.       To the Minister of Public Health and Welfare, Dr. Carlos Soza Barillas, and to the Commission that under his direction, so successfully carried out its activities with respect to the preparation and conduct of the meeting ;

3.       To the Governor of the Department of Sacatepéquez, Colonel José Arturo Lima, and the Mayor of Antigua Guatemala, Don José Luis Moreira Latour, for the many courtesies extended to the Members of the Directing Council; and

4.       To the staff of the Secretariat of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for the efficiency and conscientiousness it has shown in the performance of its duties, thus contributing in large to great success of this meeting.

Sept. 1956 OD 18, 19