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Countries report their progress on laws and measures to reduce tobacco consumption

Informan países sus avances en leyes y medidas para reducir el consumo de tabacoFollowing the approach used by the Minister of Health of Brazil regarding tobacco consumption, where he states you cannot compromise on the progress made on this subject because of pressure from tobacco companies, delegates from different countries reported the following:


Colombia reaffirms its support for the convention and states they have implemented measures to restrict the tobacco consumption in public transportation, including health warnings and pictograms on the dangers of consumption.


Reports stronger rules are being put in place to prevent tobacco consumption and it seeks to promote smokeless products, but has not had much market acceptance.

Trinidad and Tobago

Ratified the Framework Convention and recognizes the definitive alliance established with PAHO to achieve their shared objectives and share technical cooperation with other countries. One of its most important laws was to prohibit sales to minors and restrict indoor use, in addition to prohibit the sale in certain locations and sites.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

This country is proud of its progress, which includes regulations that limit the use of tobacco in medical facilities, and are already working to extend this to government institutions. They are studying laws passeb by Trinidad and Tobago to use as a model for their own legal documents.


Mexico reports progress in advertising to control the use of tobacco that is already considered an epidemic. Laws passed require the tobacco industry include legends and a pictogram warning of the risks of consumption, for which they were granted a period of nine months to comply. These packs are in compliance with the specifications set by the Framework Convention.


Recognizes that they like other countries are facing the challenges that exist in legislating the sale of tobacco. They are preparing a presentation on the dangers of tobacco consumption among young people, and promotes further limiting its use in government institutions. We must close the gaps that the tobacco industry takes advantage of to bypass the laws, they said.


Like other countries, they find that tobacco consumption among youth and women has increased. This October a law comes into force banning smoking in public places. With this measure they protect second hand smokers; violators will be punished.


Reaffirms its support for the Framework Convention and noted that the cabinet approved draft legislation establishing this international public health treaty.

United States

Continues its ongoing work on monitoring the tobacco consumption to prevent escalation and create awareness among consumers; conducts surveys on the subject with specific results.


There is evidence that the most vulnerable population consumes the most tobacco because they have less access to education, economic development and family disintegration. Has adopted preventive slogans on the dangers of tobacco use; includes obvious and clearly legible images in packaging. Advertising is prohibited on fences, walls, halls, parks, public facilities, among others.


Reports on work done in conjunction with Mexico and Brazil on regulating the use and dissemination of tobacco consumption. Thanks PAHO for support in the implementation of the Framework Convention.

Antigua and Barbuda

Since they accepted the Framework Convention have implemented suggested measures suchs as smoke-free public places and recently has done the same with private spaces such as bars and restaurants.