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The Americas Move Toward the Elimination of Rubella

Dra. Gina Tambini, gerente del Área de Salud de la Familia y la Comunidad - Dr. Gina Tambini, Area Manager, Family and Community Health "Since February 2010, the region of the Americas shows no recorded no cases of endemic rubella," highlighted Dr. Gina Tambini, Area Manager of Family and Community Health; she added that the achievement is due to the "commitment of Member States, the contributions from PAHO's partners, and the commitment of health personnel in the countries."

Tambini explained that "it has been more than 19 months since the confirmation of the last case of endemic rubella in the region" and added that "the 2010 target set during the 44th PAHO Advisory Council has been reached."

"Vaccination has contributed to its elimination," she said. Millions of people were vaccinated in the region to achieve that goal.

Tambini warned that the region can not sustain these gains by itself. "The other regions also should take action to eliminate it," she said and indicated that the issue will be raised next year during the World Health Assembly.

In this regard, the representative of the Ministry of Health of Brazil stressed that "the Americas has once again placed itself at the forefront in the elimination of vaccine-preventable diseases," and his counterpart from Jamaica warned of the need to be attentive to the importation of cases and diseases. "Until other countries eliminate it, we run the risk of reintroduction," he analyzed. And the Paraguayan Health Minister added: "We must urge the other regions of the world to take action to avoid that risk."