<% Response.Redirect "http://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=3595&Itemid=3637" %> <% Division="AD" Coordination="DPC" Unit="NC" TitleToWrite="Cervical Cancer" TitleToPass="Cervical Cancer" TitleImage="/images/ad/dpc/nc/cervical-cancer-title.gif" MainFile="cervical-cancer.htm" TopicCode="CERVICAL CANCER" TopicCD="542CRC" TopicSideBar="cervical-cancer-sidebar.inc" LeftSideColorDark="bgcolor='#718BAB'" LeftSideColorLight="bgcolor='#EEEEEE'" Bullet="-" KeyWordList="" %> <% Page = Request("Page") %>
<% if TitleImage = "" then Response.write TitleToWrite else Response.write "" & TitleToWrite & "" %>
<% select case Page case "" %> <% case "Surveillance" %> <% case "Prevention" %> <% case "Activities" %> <% case "Resources" %> <% case "General" %> <% case "ChronologicalLong" %> <% GetRowswithHead TopicCode, "", "", "E", "", "", "", 3, 1000, "", "", "D", "", "", "" %>

Full Listing in Reverse Chronological Order

<% case "ChronologicalShort" %> <% GetRowswithHead TopicCode, "", "", "E", "", "", "", 1, 1000, Bullet, "", "D", "", "", "" %>

Full Listing in Reverse Chronological Order

<% end select %>
> > > > >
TATI Report
new!TATI Report

Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (ACCP)

<%Response.Write Bullet%> About
<%Response.Write Bullet%> ACCP Online Publications
>RHO Cervical Cancer

Integrated NCD Prevention:
CARMEN Network

>Chronic Disease Newsletter

Newsletter: Chronic Disease Prevention & Control in the Americas


Pan Am J Pub Health


Contact the Program