Disease Prevention and Control / Noncommunicable Diseases / Diabetes

CAMDI IV Workshop: Diabetes Surveillance and Control in Central America

(Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 7–9 July 2003)

Preliminary Results, Guatemala
(3 pp, PDF, 141 KB)


Presentations (PowerPoint)
in English: US-Mexican Border (1,232 KB)
in Spanish: by country
- El Salvador (230 KB)
- Guatemala (61 KB)
- Honduras (15,981 KB)
- Nicaragua (686 KB)
- United States (CDC) (420 KB)
by topic
- Evaluation (13,168 KB)
- Quality of care (520 KB)
- Standardized survey (PAHO, 145 KB)
- Summary of workshop (PAHO, 95 KB)

Final Report (28 pp, in Spanish, PDF,
674 KB: table of contents links to sections listed below, translated to orient user)
- Summary
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Participants and Agenda
- Introduction and Welcome
- Opening Statements
- Evaluation of CAMDI Activities, 2002/2003
- Standardizing Procedures among Countries
- Diabetes in Guatemala: Results from CAMDI
- Evaluation of Resources for Diabetes Preventiona and Control in Central America (Guatemala, Nicaragua y Honduras): Summary of Preliminary Findings
- Working Proposals for Phase 2 of the CAMDI Initiative
- Recommendations


The IVth Workshop of the Central American Diabetes Initiative (CAMDI) was held 3–9 July 2003 in the Honduras Maya Hotel in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The Workshop was held within the framework of the XLIV Honduran Medical Convention and was attended by 22 participants from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the United States.

During the Workshop, a status report was given on the multinational diabetes survey that is being developed for Phase 1 of CAMDI and that is receiving support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC):

  • Guatemala has already completed Phase 1, and the findings show a diabetes-prevalence rate of 8.4%. The results were officially announced on 11 August 2003 in a meeting attended by officials from the Ministry of Health and various other institutions and organizations.
  • Nicaragua recently carried out two training sessions, and the national team is now ready to begin field work.
  • Honduras and El Salvador have completed the necessary documentation to request funding from PAHO, and they expect to be able to begin training their teams during the second semester of 2003.

Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua carried out a resource evaluation for diabetes prevention and control, thanks to support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Discussion groups and interviews with patients and service-providers were help, and doctor's visits were observed. The preliminary findings were discussed during the Workshop. In general, this evaluation showed that the Central American countries are currently at different stages of service development. Taking into account the results of the evaluation, the countries identified priorities for future development. The final report proposed CAMDI activities in the surveillance and service areas (in Recommendations).

There was general consensus that CAMDI has already obtained significant results in Guatemala and that the results of the resource evaluation will be valuable in terms of implementing future activities.

For more information, see the CAMDI page   |   DOTA brochure
CAMDI Workshops:   I   |   II   |   III   |   V