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Dossier Universal Health Day 2017


pdf Agenda. High-level meeting. egional Forum " Universal Health in the 21st century: 40 years of Alma-Ata. Quito, Ecuador 11 and 12 Dec. 2017  Publié Populaires

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During this event the Universal Health approach will be discussed as the expression of Alma-Ata of the 21st century. In addition efforts will be made to build strategic alliances for the empowerment of people and communities, besides multisectoral work, transparency and accountability, for the achievement of Universal Health in the context of the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030 (SHAA2030)  and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030.

The Forum will also incorporate a High Level Commission with regional political leaders, experts and civil society. This Commission will be responsible for deliberating and preparing a High Level Report to the PAHO Director on the achievements of the last 40 years and the challenges still existing on the path to Universal Health.

pdf Invitation Livrestream High-level Meeting. Ecuador 11 and 12 December 2017  Publié Populaires

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pdf Power Point Monitor- Universal Health 2017  Publié Populaires

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Power Point for Monitores.  Universal Health Day 2017

PAHO.  Alma-Ata40

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Banner 24 x 60 - English]  Publié Populaires

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Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata
12 December 2018

Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy. 
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Banner 24 x 60 - French]  Publié Populaires

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Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata
12 December 2018

Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Banner 24 x 60 - Portuguese]  Publié Populaires

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Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Banner 24 x 60 - Spanish]  Publié Populaires

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Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata
12 December 2018

Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Web - English]  Publié Populaires

780 téléchargements

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Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata
12 December 2018

Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.

pdf Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata [Web - Spanish]  Publié Populaires

1409 téléchargements

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Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 Years after Alma-Ata
12 December 2018

Throughout the last four decades, the Declaration of Alma-Ata has acted as a linchpin for health policies developed and adopted to achieve the ambitious goal of “health for all.”  During these past decades, the countries of the Region of the Americas have implemented health sector reforms aiming to transform health systems based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy.
The main objective of the High Level Meeting is to launch the Regional Forum, Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40 years after Alma Ata, to recognize and celebrate progress achieved over the last 40 years, but also to identify obstacles and challenges, renewing the regional movement and the development of strategic alliances for innovation, advocacy and a commitment to Universal Health.
The Regional Forum will constitute a space for regional dialogue, analysis and debate on the values and principles of Alma Ata within the context of Universal Health in the 21st century, a dialogue that will continue throughout 2018.