CSP2.R1    The II International Sanitary Convention


That the name of Surgeon-General Wyman be presented to the convention as president for this meeting, and that the name of Dr. Eduardo Licéaga be presented to the convention as president of the next convention, and that Dr. Juan J. Ulloa be nominated as permanent secretary.

Transactions of the Second International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics, 16

CSP2.R2    The II International Sanitary Convention


That the convention be held every two years.

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That the next meeting be held at the City of Mexico in December, 1907, subject to the call of the International Sanitary Bureau.

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That immediately upon the completion of the organization the president recognize Dr. Eduardo Licéaga for a statement of general interest.

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That the committee suggests that reports of the Republics of great length should be abstracted for presentation to the convention. The full papers will be published in the transactions.

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CSP2.R6    The II International Sanitary Convention

Whereas the decennial edition of the United States Pharmacopoeia has just been published and issued by the board of trustees of the convention of the United States Pharmacopoeia appointed by the American Pharmaceutical Association, and

Whereas this revised pharmacopoeia embraces many new forms of value, both for use in therapeusis and prevention of epidemic disease and represents the best thought and labor of experts on these matters:

Therefore be it


a) That a translation of this United States Pharmacopoeia into the Spanish language would prove of great benefit to the medical profession and pharmacists in each of the republics represented in this convention; and further.

b) That the said pharmacopoeia be referred to the several governments to report upon at the next meeting in Mexico, with a view to the adaption of an international Pharmacopoeia for the American republics; and be it further,

c) That the International Sanitary Bureau be requested to ascertain if it is possible for the payment for such translation and publication of an edition of 5,000 copies to be made out of the fund provided for in section 7 of the resolutions adopted by the Second International Conference of American States, held in the City of Mexico in the winter of 1901-2; and be it further

d) That if it is found the expense of this translation and publication can not be provided for from the fund provided by said section 7, the matter to be referred to the Bureau of the American Republics, with the request that if possible the said translation and publication be provided for by the said Bureau.

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To the effect that the convention which we are now preparing regarding quarantine and epidemic diseases shall be transmitted through the Bureau of American Republics to all the South American and Central American republics, whether they are represented in this convention or not

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Whereas the Republic of Mexico and the Panama Canal Zone, by the application of the mosquito doctrine to public sanitation, are nearing rapidly the desideratum of the final extinction of yellow fever; and

Whereas the Republic of Cuba, by the application of the same methods, has continued to maintain its territory free from yellow fever; and

Whereas as through lack of preparation to apply these methods the spread of yellow fever has been permitted in certain countries; and

Whereas in the city of New Orleans an epidemic which had been unfortunately allowed by the State authorities to take a firm foothold has been held in check, and has been gradually reduced by the application of the said methods in the midst of the largest nonimmune population that was ever exposed to yellow fever: Therefore be it


1) That this convention sees in these results further confirmation of the view that yellow fever is naturally transmitted only by the bite of infected mosquitoes.

2) That the convention is of opinion that an efficient plan of defense against the propagation of yellow fever at the beginning of an epidemic can be easily established upon the basis of this doctrine.

3) That the successful carrying out of such plan depends upon a thorough understanding of the mosquito doctrine by the people, and upon the support that they may give to the prompt and frank reporting and the proper handling of the first cases, and of all suspicious cases.

4) That the convention expresses its censure of the sanitary authorities that do not report in due time the presence of yellow fever in their territory.

5) That the congratulations of the convention be extended to the Republics of Mexico and Cuba and to the Canal Zone of Panama for the success attained, and also to the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service for the brilliant work done in New Orleans; and be it further.

6) That in the opinion of this convention all maritime quarantine and the management of all epidemics that threaten to extend to neighboring States and countries should be placed in the hands of the national health authorities.

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a) That a vote of thanks be extended by the International Sanitary Convention ofthe American Republics to His Excellency Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States of America, for his valued cooperation to the success of this Conference and for the high meaning of the expressions of the cordial address with which he greeted the delegates to this convention at the reception he accorded to them at the White House on the 12th instant.

b) That a vote of thanks be extended to the honorable the Secretary of State, and to the honorable the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, for their addresses of welcome at the inauguration of this convention.

c) That a vote of thanks be extended to the Hon. Gonzalo de Quesada, minister plenipotentiary from Cuba.

d) That a vote of thanks be extended to Director Fox, as representing the Bureau of the American Republics, for his attentions to the delegates and for the arrangements madefor their entertainment.

e) That an expression of our sincere appreciation be given to our highly esteemed president, Surgeon-General Wvman, for his kind treatment and for the efficient manner in which he has complied with his official duties.

f) That a vote of thanks be extended to the Cosmos Club and to the press of the city of Washington for the courteous manner in which they have treated us during our stay at this capital.

g) That a vote of thanks be extended in the name of the delegates from the Spanish American Republics to the delegates from the United States for their hospitality an excellent fellowship.

Transactions of the Second International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics, 88