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67th World Health Assembly Coverage

The Sixty-seventh session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) took place in Geneva during 19-24 May 2014. The WHA is the supreme decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board.

The main functions of the WHA are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.

Closing of the 67th World Health Assembly

The 67th World Health Assembly closed today, after adopting more than 20 resolutions on public health issues of global importance.  "This has been an intense Health Assembly, with a record-breaking number of agenda items, documents and resolutions, and nearly 3 500 registered delegates," said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO's Director-General. "

WHA-aproves several action plans

The World Health Assembly continued its work examining proposals for joint health efforts and approved plans and strategies for improving access to health care for people with disabilities, addressing the needs of people with autism, better incorporating palliative care into health coverage, better integrating the use of traditional medicine and raising awareness of psoriasis.

In June of this year, hundreds of thousands of soccer fans will arrive in Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup games. Brazilian authorities have been preparing for the influx for several years, implementing measures to reduce the health risks of this mass event, said Jarbas Barbosa, Secretary of Health Surveillance of Brazil, during a briefing session this week at the 67th World Health Assembly.

Geneva, 23 May 2014 (PAHO/WHO) — Argentina will hold the presidency of the WHO Member State Mechanism on Substandard/Spurious/Falsely-Labelled/Falsified/Counterfeit Medical Projects, which ws created to facilitate international collaboration on strategies for fighting counterfeiting of medicines, from a public health perspective and excluding trade and intellectual property considerations.

Information on the mechanism on substandard/spurious/falsely-labeled/falsified/counterfeit medical products

Read more in Spanish

Geneva, 23 May 2014 (PAHO/WHO) — What will be the impact in the Americas of resolutions adopted at the 67th World Health Assembly? The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Carissa F. Etienne, responds to these and other questions in a program organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Foundation that summarizes the main resolutions approved by the world body.

Directora de la OPS explica el impacto de las resoluciones de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud para la región de las Américas

Link to the Program

The World Health Assembly today approved a resolution to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis and proposals to improve global coordination of efforts to address noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, cancers, heart disease and stroke.