Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a significant public health problem worldwide. It affects families, communities and entire countries. In the Region of the Americas, around 100,000 deaths occur from suicide each year. It is estimated that for each suicide that occurs, there are more than 20 attempts. Suicide can occur at any age and it is the third highest cause of death among young people between the ages of 20 and 24 in the Region of the Americas.

Suicides are preventable with timely, evidence-based and often low-cost interventions, such as:

  • Mental health and alcohol policies
  • Improving access to health care
  • Restriction of access to means of suicide
  • Responsible media reporting of suicide
  • Raising awareness about mental health, alcohol and substance use disorders and suicide
  • Gatekeeper training to identify those at risk of suicide and refer them to appropriate treatment
  • Assessment and management of suicidal behaviors, mental disorders and alcohol and substance use
  • Follow-up and community support for recently discharged patients


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The Pan American Health Organization invites you to participate on the webinar "Working together to prevent suicide", that will take place on Friday, 13 September 2019, as part of the activities to mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2019.

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