Pan American Health Organization / Organización Panamericana de la Salud

Timeline / Cronología


“One of the most momentous events for PAHO during the 1960s was the opening of its new Headquarters building, the first permanent home for the staff of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau who, until this time had either occupied rented space or shared offices with other institutions, such as the Pan American Union.”

“Uno de los acontecimientos más trascendentales para la OPS en la década de 1960 fue la inauguración de su nuevo edificio de la Sede, el primer hogar permanente para el personal de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, que hasta este momento había ocupado locales alquilados y oficinas compartidas con otras instituciones , tales como la Unión Panamericana “.

Cueto, Marcos. The value of Health. A history of the Pan American Health Organization. Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2007.


The Pan American Sanitary Bureau wants to be the major catalyst for ensuring that all the peoples of the Americas enjoy optimal health and contribute to the well being of their families and communities.

La Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana quiere ser el mayor catalizador para asegurar que todos los pueblos de las Américas gocen de una óptima salud y contribuir al bienestar de sus familias y comunidades.


“The Region’s public health ministers caught their first glimpse of PAHO’s new Headquarters on 27 September 1965, the opening day of the XVI meeting of PAHO’s Directing Council. Since that day, the flags of the member nations and the PAHO flag have flown in the plaza adjacent to the entrance.”

“Los ministros de salud pública de la Región dieron su primer vistazo a la nueva sede de la OPS el 27 de septiembre de 1965, el día de apertura de la XVI reunión del Consejo Directivo de la OPS. Desde ese día, las banderas de los países miembros y la bandera de la OPS han flameado en la plaza adyacente a la entrada”.

Cueto, Marcos. The value of Health. A history of the Pan American Health Organization. Washington, D.C.: PAHO; 2007.


The construction / La construcción

Did you Know? / ¿Sabía?

… that for the construction of the building were necessary ….

… que para la construcción del edificio se necesitaron…

feet high / pies de altura
Metrics tons of reinforced concrete / Toneladas métricas de concreto reforzado
Pounds of wood and marble / Libras de madera y mármol
Cubic yards of earth Excavated / Yardas cúbicas de tierra excavada


Our benefactors / Nuestros benefactores

Our Gratitude / Nuestra gratitud

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

To the W.K. Kellogg Foundation with gratitude for the generous grant that made the construction of this building possible.

A la Fundación W. K. Kellogg con agradecimiento por la generosa donación que hizo posible la construcción de este edificio.

United States of America

To the Government of the United States of America in gratitude for its donation of the site on which PAHO’s 1965 Headquarters building was constructed.

Al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América en agradecimiento por su donación del lote en el cual el edificio fue construido en 1965.

Román Fresnedo Siri

In memory of Román Fresnedo Siri, the competition-winning architect who designed the 1965 PAHO Headquarters building.

En memoria de Román Fresnedo Siri, el arquitecto que diseñó el edificio de OPS.

Organization of American States

For a long period of years, ending in 1947, PAHO offices were located in OAS building.

Durante un largo periodo de años, finalizando en 1947, las oficinas de OPS estuvieron localizadas en el edificio de la OEA.

World Health Organization

In 1949, PAHO was considered the Regional Office of the World Health Organization for the Americas.

En 1949, OPS fue declarada la Oficina Regional de la Organización Mundial para las Américas

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Government of the United States

Organization of American States

World Health Organization




October 1961 – Headquarters architect Román Fresnedo Siri, right, accepts $ 10,000 competition-winning check from Director, Dr. Abraham Horwitz.

“I believe,” Dr. Horwitz has said, “that this beautiful building will become a monument to the ideal of better health for the peoples of the Americas. Architect Fresnedo Siri’s building has both grace and utility. It will be a significant contribution to public architecture in Washington. At the same time it reflects the high ideals of the Pan American spirit in an age when we must move ahead to build a better future for our peoples.”

Octubre 1961 – el arquitecto Román Fresnedo Siri, derecha, recibe cheque de $10,000 referente al premio del Director, Dr. Abraham Horwitz.

““I believe”, Dr. Horwitz has said, “that this beautiful building will become a monument to the ideal of better health for the peoples of the Americas. Architect Fresnedo Siri’s building has both grace and utility. It will be a significant contribution to public architecture in Washington. At the same time it reflects the high ideals of the Pan American sipirit in an age when we must move ahead to build a better future for our peoples””.

September 1963 - Dignitaries from other international organizations attend groundbreaking ceremonies

“Groundbreaking ceremonies September 1963. From left to right: Dr. Abraham Horwitz, from Chile, Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which is also the Regional Office of the World Health Organization;

Dr. M.G. Candau, of Brazil, Director of the World Health Organization;

José A. Mora, Secretary General of the OAS, which recognizes PAHO as a specialized organization; Dr. Luther Terry, Surgeon General of the United States; and Dr. Emory Kellogg, president of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation”.

“Ceremonia de inicio de la obra en Septiembre del 1963. De izquierda a derecha: Dr. Abraham Horwitz, de Chile, Director de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, que es también la Oficinal Regional de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en las Américas; Dr. M.G. Candau, de Brasil; Director de la Organización Mundial de la Salud; Jose A. Mora, Secretario General de la OEA; Dr. Luther Terry, Cirujano General de los Estados Unidos de América; y Dr. Emory Kellogg, presidente de la Fundación W.K. Kellogg.”

August 1964 - Completion of the project would require over 4,500 metric tons of reinforced concrete

“En agosto del 1964 el elegante edificio comenzó a tomar forma. Todo el proyecto se llevó 4.500 toneladas métricas de cemento armado, más de medio millón de libras de acero reforzado y madera, mármol, granito, vidrio …”

“En agosto del 1964 el elegante edificio comenzó a tomar forma. Todo el proyecto se llevó 4.500 toneladas métricas de cemento armado, más de medio millón de libras de acero reforzado y madera, mármol, granito, vidrio …”

This building represents the realization of the dream of those who came before us, who ardently believed

“This building represents one of the major achievements of the PAHO in the course of its long and fruitful existence over a period of sixty-three years. We feel sure that it represents the realization of the dream of those who came before us and who ardently believed that there would come such a day as this when all the nations of the Americas would be represented, not only to participate joyfully in the inauguration of this splendid Headquarters but also to reaffirm their determination to continue their unremitting and untiring efforts to improve the health of all the peoples of the Hemisphere.”

Dr. Rafael Moreno Valle

Secretary of Health and Welfare of Mexico

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“Este edificio es una de las metas importantes alcanzadas por la OSP en su largo y fructífero camino recorrido durante sesenta y tres años. Estamos seguros que es la realización del sueño de quienes nos precedieron y que anhelaban que llegara un día como el de hoy, en que todas las naciones de América estuvieran representadas no sólo para celebrar jubilosamente la inauguración de su espléndida Sede, sino para reafirmar sus propósitos de constante superación en su lucha infatigable por mejorar la salud de todos los pueblos americano”.

Dr. Rafael Moreno Valle

Secretario de Salubridad y Asistencia de México

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965

The United States is honored to serve as host to the world's oldest agency for international cooperation

“The United States is honored to serve as host nation to the Pan American Health Organization-the world’s oldest agency for international cooperation in health-and to have in our midst its elegant new home. Health is akin to beauty. It is fitting that a building dedicated to the ideal of better health for the people of the Americas should express that beauty in its form and design.”

John W. Gardner,

Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare of the United States of America.

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“Es un honor para los Estados Unidos de América servir de país huésped de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud-el organismo más antiguo del mundo en materia de cooperación internacional en el campo de la salud-y tener en su territorio un edificio de la elegancia que caracteriza a la nueva Sede de la Organización. La salud está íntimamente relacionada con la belleza, y por eso encuentro apropiado que un edificio dedicado al ideal de mejorar la salud de los pueblos de las Américas exprese esa belleza en su estructura y diseño”.

John W. Gardner,

Secretario de Salud, Educación y Bienestar de los Estados Unidos de América

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965

This is one of the most eloquent demonstrations of the vitality of the Regional System

“The Pan American Sanitary Bureau is the oldest specialized agency in the regional system. Our basic Charter recognizes this Organization as one of the organs of the OAS. For a long period of years, ending in 1947, its offices were located in our own building. We therefore regard the growth of the Pan American Health Organization and of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau as one of the most eloquent demonstrations of the vitality of the regional system.”

Dr. José A. Mora,

Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“La Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana es el organismo especializado más antiguo dentro del sistema regional. Nuestra Carta fundamental reconoce a esta Organización como uno de los órganos de la OEA, y hasta 1947, y por un largo período de años, sus oficinas estuvieron alojadas en nuestro propio edificio. Contemplamos, pues, el crecimiento de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana como una de las más elevadas demostraciones del vigor del sistema regional”.

Dr. José A. Mora,

Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965

Its ideal form and conception give living expression to the humanitarianism dominating our endeavors

“Without failing to pay tribute to the restrained and elegant lines of the building’s façade, we are even more moved by its ideal form and conception, which give living expression to the humanitarianism that dominates our endeavors. In its design it partakes of both the formal and the functional the underlying principles of our Constitution. It has been our responsibility in the past, as it will be in the future, to translate those ideals into coherent aspirations and the objectives into tangible human well-being.”

Dr. Abraham Horwitz,

Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“Sin dejar de admirar las líneas sobrias y elegantes del edificio, vemos más en él su contenido ideal y su proyección, porque en ellos reside el humanitarismo que preside todas nuestras acciones. Y estas se fundan, en lo formal y en lo funcional, en los postulados de la Constitución de la OPS. Nuestra responsabilidad ha sido en el pasado-y lo será en el futuro-traducir esos ideales en sentimientos tangibles y los propósitos en realidades concretas de bienestar”.

Dr. Abraham Horwitz,

Director de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965

This building symbolizes the spirit of the countries of the Americas and their ability to cooperate

“This building symbolizes the spirit of the countries of the Americas and their ability to cooperate together in overcoming their health problems. It is a symbol of friendship, understanding, and mutual respect. In it we shall work together toward the attainment of our ideal-the improvement of health conditions in all the Americas-and thereby contribute to the prosperity and peace which should be the lot of man throughout the world.”

Dr. M. G. Candau,

Director-General of the World Health Organization

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“Este edificio simboliza el espíritu de los países de las Américas y su capacidad para cooperar en la labor encaminada a solucionar los problemas de salud. Es un símbolo de amistad, comprensión y respeto mutuo, y en él trabajaremos unidos para alcanzar nuestro ideal de mejorar las condiciones de salud en las Américas y, de esta manera, contribuir a la prosperidad y la paz que deben ser el destino del hombre en todo el mundo”.

Dr. M. G. Candau,

Director General de la Organización Mundial de la Salud

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965

Whatever the difficulties that may arise, the higher purpose to which we are committed will prevail

“Whatever the difficulties that may arise, the higher purpose to which we are committed will prevail, a purpose that guides the Americas in their search for their own identity, rooted as they are in their old cultures, and enables them to assimilate, on these solid foundations, the progress that civilization brings for the common weal. This is how we see the essence and implications of a work that has today taken on a new lease of life with the inauguration of this building, designed by an artist with a clear vision of its destiny who has found in it a source of inspiration. To symbolize, the handing of this building over to the Governments, I should like to present you, Mr. President, with this key, which we hope will be passed on at all meetings of the Governing Bodies in the generations to come.”

Dr. Abraham Horwitz,

Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

Inaugural Session, 27 September 1965

“Cualesquiera que sean las dificultades que surjan, siempre ha de prevalecer el propósito superior que nos guía y que, en lo general, ha de contribuir a que las Américas encuentren su propia autenticidad, enraizada en sus viejas culturas, y a que, sobre sus sólidos fundamentos, incorporen los progresos que la civilización aporta al bienestar colectivo. Así interpretamos el contenido y la proyección de una obra que se ve vigorizada hoy con este edificio, trazado por un artista que se inspiró en ella y que tuvo clara idea de su destino. Para simbolizar su entrega a los Gobiernos, quiero poner a su disposición, Señor Presidente, la llave del mismo, que esperamos sea transmitida en cada reunión de los Cuerpos Directivos en las generaciones por venir”.

Dr. Abraham Horwitz,

Director de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana

Sesión Inaugural, 27 de Septiembre del 1965.


Pan American Sanitary Bureau / Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana

Former Directors / Directores anteriores

Dr. Walter Wyman

Dr. Walter Wyman


Walter Wyman was born on August 17, 1848, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. He graduated from the St. Louis Medical College in 1873.

Dr. Rupert Blue

Dr. Rupert Blue


Rupert Blue was born in Richmond County, North Carolina, USA, on May 30, 1868. He attended the University of Virginia and earned his M.D. from the University of Maryland in 1892.

Dr. Hugh Cumming

Dr. Hugh Cumming


Hugh Smith Cumming was born in Hampton, Virginia, USA, on August 17, 1869. He obtained medical degrees from the University of Virginia Department of Medicine in 1893 and the University College of Medicine in Richmond in 1894.

Dr. Fred Soper

Dr. Fred Soper


Fred Lowe Soper was born in Hutchinson, Kansas, USA, on December 13, 1893. He received his M.D. from Rush Medical College of the University of Chicago in 1918 and his doctorate from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Dr. Abraham Horwitz

Dr. Abraham Horwitz


Abraham Horwitz was born in Santiago, Chile, on December 25, 1910. An expert on health and nutrition, he had a career in international public health that spanned six decades.

Dr. Héctor Acuña

Dr. Héctor Acuña


Héctor R. Acuña Monteverde was born in Sonora, Mexico, on September 24, 1921. He received the degree of Surgeon from the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1947 as well as a Master of Public Health degree from Yale University in 1951.

Dr. Carlyle Guerra de Macedo

Dr. Carlyle Guerra de Macedo


Carlyle Guerra de Macedo was born in the state of Piauí in Brazil on April 15, 1937. He obtained his medical degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco in 1962.

Dr. George Alleyne

Dr. George Alleyne


George A.O. Alleyne, Director Emeritus, was born in St. Philip, Barbados, in 1932. He obtained his bachelor of medicine and surgery degree from the University of London in 1957 and his M.D. from the same university in 1965.

Dr. Mirta Roses Periago

Dr. Mirta Roses Periago


Mirta Roses Periago, Director Emeritus, was born in Argentina. She received her medical degree from the National University of Córdoba in 1969, obtaining a diploma in public health with concentration in epidemiology and a certificate of specialization in infectious diseases from the University of Buenos Aires and Tropical Medicine from the Bahia State Federal University in Brazil.

Carissa F. Etienne

Dr. Carissa F. Etienne was elected Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) by the Member States of the Organization on 19 September 2012 and began her five-year term on 1 February 2013.

La doctora Carissa F. Etienne fue elegida Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) por los Estados Miembros de la Organización el 19 de septiembre del 2012. Su mandato, de cinco años, comenzó el 1 de febrero del 2013.

Director's Corner


PAHO in 1965 / La OPS en 1965

Making History / Escribiendo la historia

525 23rd St. Nw, Washington D.C. 20037


Washington D.C., Foggy Bottom

Official Poster / Afiche oficial