Disease Prevention and Control / Communicable Diseases / Dengue

Community Participation and Health Education for Dengue Control

A Collaborative Project between PAHO and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

PAHO-IDB Project

- Subregional Plan for Central America (in Spanish, PDF, 166 Kb)
- Press Release (in Spanish)
- Country COMBI Plans
(PDF, all in Spanish except for Belize):

Belize (57 Kb)
Costa Rica
(1236 Kb)
Dominican Republic
(830 Kb)
El Salvador
(403 Kb)

(583 Kb)
(1161 Kb)
(794 Kb)
(884 Kb)

Contact: Dr. José Luis San Martín, Regional Advisor on Dengue,

- Integrated Strategy
- PAHO Regional Program on Dengue
- PAHO Dengue Page
- PAHO-Panama/Dengue

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Background: In August 2002, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed an agreement involving shared financing for the development of the project for Community Participation and Health Education for Dengue Control.

Objective: To strengthen dengue prevention and control in Central American countries via the implementation of public-education and community-participation activities as well as consensus-building for the Central American Comprehensive Plan for Dengue Prevention and Control.

Progress to Date: The Project has been underway since February 2003 within the framework of the Integrated Strategy for Dengue Management (Estrategia de Gestión Integrada de Dengue, or EGI). The workplans are being implemented in the countries, with the end goal of strengthening the Regional Plan for Dengue that RESSCAD/COMISCA is currently promoting.


  1. Identification of best practices in the area of social communication for dengue prevention and control, in four RESSCAD Member Countries: Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama.
  2. Implementation and evaluation of pilot experiences in the area of community participation in dengue prevention and control in four other RESSCAD Member Countries: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.
  3. Elaboration of national plans and consolidation of a
    Subregional Strategy
    for Dengue Prevention and Control in the RESSCAD countries: Belize, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

Reference: IDB-Dengue-ATN/SF-7299-RG, Subvención No. 09125, extrabudgetary project.

For printing and distribution purposes, this summary is available in PDF
(25 Kb).