he Costa Rican electronic journal On Prevention (En Torno a la Prevención) shares knowledge through technical-scientific articles on disaster prevention, at the national and international levels.

Edited since 2003 by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Response of Costa Rica, the journal publishes original works, following parameters set by the editorial committee, external evaluators and the ethical norms of intellectual property and authorship.

En Torno a la Prevención is an indexed publication and is registered at:

Latindex: online regional information system for scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.
REDIB: Ibero-American innovation and scientific knowledge network, from Spain’s Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).
DOAJ: a list of free-access, scientific and academic journals that comply with high quality standards, peer-review, editorial quality control, and free for all at the moment of publication.

En Torno a la Prevención is a product of the Latin American Network of Information Centers on Disaster Risk Management (RELACIGER), a collaboration network of professionals from Latin America that provides free and reliable information on a variety of topics related to risk management and disasters. It is composed by information centers in higher education, governmental, non-governmental, and international institutions of 11 countries of the Americas.

More information at: www.relaciger.org/revista.