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EID Weekly Updates

EID Weekly Updates:

Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases, Region of the Americas

Vol. 2, No. 15—15 April 2004
Main Updates index

Follow-Up on Outbreak of Bat-Transmitted Human Rabies in Pará State, Brazil

To follow up on the outbreak of bat-transmitted human rabies detected in the city of Portel, state of Pará, Brazil, in January 2004, the last report on 8 April indicates that 8 cases have been confirmed since our update of 2 April, bringing the total to 13 cases of confirmed human rabies. Another 4 people are considered suspected cases (see Table 1), of which 2 have died. Test results will be available shortly.

Among the new confirmed cases, the first occurred on 2 March (instead of 4 March, as indicated in last week’s update) and the last on 1 April (instead of 26 March).

This situation constitutes the largest reported outbreak of human rabies transmitted by bats in the entire country. The causes of this extremely rare event are currently being investigated by the Department of Health of the state of Pará, the Department of Health Surveillance and the state Department of Agriculture. The bat attacks occurred mainly during the months of September and October 2003. In the meantime, these episodes have been frequent in the rural area of the Acuti Pereira River, where the affected persons reside. Initial evaluations indicate the existence of more than one colony of bats in the affected localities.

Table 1: Number of Human Cases and Deaths from the Rabies Virus (municipality of Portel, state of Pará, Brazil, as of 8 April 2004)
  Cases Deaths
Confirmed 13 13
Suspected 4 2
Ruled out 3 0
Total 20 15
Note: The number of deaths is included in the number of cases.
Source: Reports to PAHO from the Department of Health, Pará (Secretária da Saúde, Pará/SES-PA) and the Department of Health Surveillance (Secretária de Vigiláncia em Saúde/SVS), Brazil.

There are ongoing investigations of new cases and of prevention, control, and treatment activities among the human population either affected or at risk. In addition, there has been continued vaccination of dogs and cats in the affected area, which has been extended to include three nearby cities considered at risk. Other domestic animals are also being vaccinated.

For more PAHO information, see the PAHO Rabies Page and the update on "Human Rabies Transmitted by Bats in Pará State, Brazil" in the April 2 issue of EID Weekly Updates.

Sources: Reports to PAHO from the Department of Health, Pará (Secretária da Saúde, Pará/SES-PA) and the Department of Health Surveillance (Secretária de Vigiláncia em Saúde/SVS), Brazil.

Electronic Information Sources on the Occurrence and Distribution of Communicable Diseases in the Countries of the Americas

(All the sources listed below are published in the official language/s of the respective countries.
EW = Epidemiological Week; CAREC = Caribbean Epidemiology Centre, serving the English-speaking Caribbean.)

Country Year Last EW published Current EW Source & Link
Argentina 2004 EW 11 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud, Dirección de Epidemiología
Bolivia 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud y Deportes, Vigilancia Epidemiológica
Brazil 2004 EW 7 (February) EW 15 Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigiláncia em Saúde (SVS), Publicações, Vigiláncia epidemiológica, Boletim eletrônico epidemiológico
Canada 2004 EW 15 EW 15 Health Canada /Santé Canada, Communicable Disease Report / Relève des maladies transmissibles au Canada (CCDR/RMTC)
Chile 2004 EW 6 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud, Boletín Electrónico Mensual de Vigilancia Epidemiológico el vigía
Colombia 2004 EW 10 EW 15 Ministerio de la Protección Social, Dirección de Salud Pública, Sistema de Vigilancia en Salud Pública (SIVIGILA), Boletín Epidemiológico Semanal
Costa Rica 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud, Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud, Boletín epidemiológico
Cuba 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" (IPK) Boletín epidemiológico semanal
El Salvador 2004 EW 15 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud y Asistencia Social, Vigilancia Epidemiológica Año 2004
Guatemala 2004 EW 9 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud Pública, Última Semana Epidemiólogica
Mexico 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Secretaría de Salud, Estadísticas en Salud, Boletín Epidemiología
Nicaragua 2004 EW 11 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud (MINSA), Vigilancia Epidemiológica, Boletines epidemiólogicos
Panama 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud: Sends bulletins to PAHO vía e-mail.
Paraguay 2004 -- EW 15 Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar Social: Currently developing an electronic bulletin.
Peru 2004 EW 9 EW 15 Oficina General Epidemiologia (OGE), Boletines epidemiológicos
Puerto Rico 2004 -- EW 15 Departamento de Salud, Boletín epidemiológico
Uruguay 2004 -- EW 15 Ministerio de Salud Pública, Vigilancia Epidemiológica, Boletín epidemiológico
USA 2004 EW 14 EW 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)
Venezuela 2004 EW 13 EW 15 Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social, Estadísticas, Alerta epidemiológico
English and Dutch Caribbean
Anguilla 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 52/2003). Published every trimester.
Antigua & Barbuda 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 39/2003). Published every trimester.
Bahamas 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 52/2003). Published every trimester.
Barbados 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 48/2003).
Belize 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
Bermuda 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
British Virgin Islands 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
Cayman Islands 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
Dominica 2004 EW 12 EW 15 e-CSR (published weekly)
Grenada 2004 EW 13 EW 15 e-CSR (published weekly)
Guyana 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 32/2003). Published every trimester.
Jamaica 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 47/2003). Published every trimester.
Montserrat 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
St. Lucia 2004 EW 13 EW 15 e-CSR (published weekly)
St. Kitts & Nevis 2004 EW 13 EW 15 e-CSR (published weekly)
St. Vincent & the Grenadines 2004 EW 13 EW 15 e-CSR (published weekly)
Suriname 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 52/2003). Published every trimester.
Trinidad & Tobago 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 50/2003). Published every trimester.
Turks & Caicos Islands 2004 -- EW 15 CAREC Surveillance Report (CSR) February 2004 (last EW 53/2003). Published every trimester.
Source: List compiled by PAHO Communicable Disease Unit, Emerging and Reemerging Diseases.