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Health Surveillance and Disease Prevention and Control / Communicable Diseases /
Epidemic Alert and Response

Epidemiological Alerts: Archives through 2008

Epidemiological Alerts
New site, 2009 onwards

As of 2009, this series has been reformulated and given a new name: Epidemiological Alerts. It is a continuation of EID Updates: Emerging and Reemerging Diseases, Region of the Americas, a registered PAHO newsletter for disease outbreaks since 2003. All issues from 2003 to 2008 are listed below, from the most recent.

The purpose of EID Updates is to disseminate information on the latest public-health events that have been identified as risks to health, trade, and/or international travel, i.e. public health emergencies of international concern, in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations (IHR [2005]. Most of these events are primarily due to infectious agents, while others are due to chemical or physical agents. The PAHO EID Updates at the regional level (for the Americas) complement the WHO Disease Outbreak News at the global level.

History: This newsletter started on 10 July 2003 as EID Weekly Updates. As of summer 2004, however, the decision was made to publish infectious-disease events of importance to international public health on an occasional rather than weekly basis. For this reason, the name was changed to EID Updates. Since then, the scope of this publication has broadened to include other non-infectious types of events, in compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) adopted in 2005 by the 58th World Health Assembly, which entered into force in June 2007.

Archives:   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005   |   2004   |   2003

2008 (Volume 5)