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EID Updates

EID Updates:

Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases,
Region of the Americas

Vol. 4, No. 2 (8 February 2007)                             Main Updates index

Dengue Outbreak in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Summary of the Current Situation in Bolivia

An increase in the transmission of dengue is currently being reported, with the greatest number of cases concentrated in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Up to 7 February 2007 (Epidemiological Week No. 6), the following figures have been reported:

  • 459 suspected cases of dengue fever
  • 118 confirmed cases of classical dengue fever
  • 4 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever
  • 1 death
  • Case-fatality rate: 25%
  • Affected departments:
    Santa Cruz de la Sierra and small adjacent cities.
map of Bolivia

In Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra is an area endemic for dengue, displaying an almost seasonal behavior with periods of greatest incidence and reports of cases occurring historically during the months of November and May, as is shown in the figure below from the January 2007 issue (No. 2, covering Epidemiological Week 2) of the Weekly Surveillance Bulletin (Boletín Semanal de Vigilancia, No. 2/2007) of the National Health Information System of the Ministry of Health and Sports (Sistema Nacional de Información de Salud / SNIS, Ministerio de Salud y Deportes). An increase in the transmission of dengue is currently being reported, with the greatest number of cases concentrated in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Casos sospechosos de dengue  ... Bolivia, 2007

According to the information received, 459 suspected cases have been reported and 188 of them have been confirmed, out of which 118 correspond to Santa Cruz and 70 to other small adjacent cities. Also confirmed are 4 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and 1 death.

Prevention and Control Activities Underway

  • An extrasectoral commission has been created that includes the PAHO/WHO Country Office.
  • Dr. José Carlos Arraya, Chief of the National Dengue Program, reported that intensive action is being taken to eliminate mosquito breeding sites, with support from the Armed Forces (Police).
  • Two mass-media campaigns are scheduled to take place on 9 and 10 February in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, where full-scale activities to eliminate vector breeding sites have been underway. This involves environmental reorganization on the part of the population.
  • Treatment and control activities aimed at eliminating breeding sites using Abate® (1% Temephos) and adult mosquitoes (using fumigation) are being carried out through four campaigns supported by central-level supervisors.

Clinic-Level Activities: At the same time, training was held to bring health workers up to date on the clinical management of dengue cases. More than 200 medical and support personnel attended. This activity has been strengthened a great deal in recent years as a result of PAHO/WHO advisors conducting the training sessions.

Preparation of the Strategy of Integrated Management for the Prevention and Control of Dengue in Bolivia

At present, plans have been made to reinforce the National Dengue Plan using the Strategy of Integrated Management for the Prevention and Control of Dengue (EGI-Dengue). By the end of first semester 2007, a solid technical document will have been produced, with the following in mind:

  1. to serve as a standard guidebook for the roll-up of prevention and control activities; and
  2. strengthen the capacities of the health sector to promote new extra-sectoral associations and methodologies for behavioral changes in controlling the most important breeding sites of the vector, thus
  3. making activities in the fight against dengue more sustainable.

During the week of 19–24 March 2007, a workshop will be held to reinforce COMBI (Communication for Behavioral Impact). Dr. Linda Lloyd, in her capacity as PAHO/WHO Temporary Adviser and expert in the area of Mass Communication, will conduct the workshop.

Source: Information obtained by the PAHO Regional Program on Dengue through the PAHO Country Office in La Paz, Bolivia
(PAHO-Bolivia), based on information obtained from the January 2007 issue (No. 2, covering Epidemiological Week 2) of the Weekly Surveillance Bulletin (Boletín Semanal de Vigilancia, No. 2/2007) of the National Health Information System of the Ministry of Health and Sports of Bolivia (Sistema Nacional de Información de Salud / SNIS, Ministerio de Salud y Deportes de Bolivia).