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EID Updates

EID Updates:

Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases,
Region of the Americas

Vol. 5, No. 7 (13 March 2008)                             Main Updates index

Aedes aegypti

Yellow Fever: Update on Paraguay and Argentina

Paraguay: As of today, a total of 24 confirmed cases of yellow fever (YF) have been reported by the country's Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare ((Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social / MSPBS). The last suspected case was reported on 6 March 2008. The newest confirmed case (involving death) is from the department of San Pedro. Three departments have been affected by the outbreak: San Pedro (13 out of the 24 cases), Central (10 out of 24), and Caaguazú (1 out of 24). A total of 8 patients have died.

yellow fever vaccine
  • Regarding immunization activities, 1,420,819 vaccine doses have been administered in priority districts. Vaccination coverage in San Estanislao stands at 92.9%; Gauyaibi, at 37.6%; Iribucua, at 91.6%; Lima, at 99.4%; San Lorenzo, at 52.9%; and Cuaguazu, at 11%.
  • Also reported are 171 adverse effects to the vaccine: 134 in intermediate forms, 10 moderate, 5 serious (3 encephalitis and 2 Guillen Barré), 15 under investigation, and 7 discarded.

Argentina: Two new confirmed cases and one new suspected death have been reported by the country's Ministry of Public Health of the Nation (Ministerio de Salud de la Nación / MSAL). The first confirmed case involves a 24-year-old male, with no history of vaccination, residing in Guarani department, Misiones province. The onset of symptoms was on 10 February 2008 and the patient is recovering. The second confirmed case involves a 23-year-old male with no vaccination history, residing in the department of El Dorado, Misiones province. The death involved a 39-year-old male living in Guarani department, Misiones province. Laboratory results on this patient are still pending.

  • As of 13 March 2008, Argentina has confirmed 3 YF cases, 2 from Guaraní department and 1 from El Dorado.
  • Regarding immunization activities, a total of 954,195 vaccine doses have been administered. The results of a rapid monitoring of coverage made by the Ministry of Health show a coverage rate of 95% for Puerto Iguazú department (Misiones Province) and 72% for Pilcomayo department (Formosa province).

Additional Information: See the PAHO press release from 6 March 2008 and, for background, previous issues of these updates.

Sources: Information from the countries received from

  • PAHO-Paraguay from the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social / MSPBS), Paraguay.
  • PAHO-Argentina from the Ministry of Public Health of the Nation (Ministerio de Salud de la Nación / MSAL), Argentina.