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EID Updates

EID Updates:

Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases,
Region of the Americas

Vol. 4, No. 7 (9 March 2007)                             Main Updates index

Dengue Outbreak in Brazil: Follow-Up

map showing regions of Brazil

Summary of the Current Situation

Up to Epidemiological Week (EW) 10 (7 March 2007), the following has been reported, following up on the outbreak notice published on 12 February 2007:

  • 53,146 cases of dengue
  • 27 cases of dengue hemorrhagic (DH)
  • 6 deaths
  • Serotype in circulation: DEN-3
  • Most affected state: Mato Grosso do Sul
    (with 52% of all cases)

Country Situation

  • Up to EW 10/2007, Brazil reported 53,146 cases of dengue, according to the MERCOSUR Network Report.
  • The states with the greatest number of cases were:
    • Matto Grosso do Sul, with 27,677 cases (52%)
    • Matto Grosso, with 4,305 cases (10%)
    • Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina continue to be free of any native transmission.
  • Regarding DH, the State health departments reported 27 cases, with 6 deaths. The next section provides details on the epidemiological situation by region and state.

Graph: Reported Dengue Cases in the Brazilian States, 2006 and 2007

dengue cases in Brazil (graph)

Reports by Region and State

Northeast: The northeastern region reported 5,637 cases, with a comparative reduction of 24.5% compared to the same period in 2006. The State with the greatest number of reports was Pernambuco (PE) (with 1,029 cases). Regarding DH, 4 cases were reported in the Northeast, 2 of them from Maranhão State, 1 from Ceará State (CE), and one from Piauí State (PI). All cases have recovered.

Southeast: The southeastern region reported 6,844 cases, showing a reduction of 53.9% compared to the same period in 2006. The state with the greatest number of cases was Minas Gerais (MG, with 3,318), with most of them occurring in cities. São Paulo State (SP) reported 1,734 cases. Regarding DH, 2 cases were confirmed in Minas Gerais, with 1 death; and in Rio de Janeiro State (RJ), 1 fatal case.

Midwest: The midwestern region accounted for 64% of all cases reported in the country (with 34,014), with an increase of 184.4% when compared to the same period in 2006. This significant rise is a result of the outbreak of DEN-3 that is occurring in Mato Grosso do Sul State (MS), with 24,930 reported cases, or 52% (26,677). Of the 135 samples inoculated for viral isolation, 10% (13 of them) were positive for DEN-3; no other viral subtype was detected at this point. Mato Grosso State (MT) reported 4,350 cases. The Federal District (Distrito Federal / DF) reported 52 cases. Regarding DH, there were 19 confirmed cases, 10 of which occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul, with 2 fatalities.

South: A total of 2,094 cases were reported, showing an increase of 192% when compared to the same period in 2006. There were no reports of DH in the southern region.

Measures Taken

In Mato Grosso do Sul, health workers doubled their efforts to fight dengue, applying insecticides on water surfaces and conducting house-to-house visits to explain risk factors. Technical cooperation and surveillance are ongoing in border areas.

Source: Information obtained by the PAHO Regional Program on Dengue, via the PAHO Country Office in Brazil (OPAS), based on information obtained by the National Dengue Control Program of the Ministry of Health of Brazil (Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue / PNCD do Ministério da Saúde / MS) and the Departments of Health of the various Brazilian states, as well as from the MERCOSUR Network Report.