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Carpeta Guidelines: Tuberculosis


pdf A guide to monitoring and evaluation for collaborative TB/HIV activities; 2015  Publicado Popular

2685 descargas

pdf Engaging All Health Care Providers in TB Control: Guidance on Implementing Public-Private Mix Approaches; 2006  Publicado Popular

3879 descargas

Engaging All Health Care Providers in TB Control: Guidance on Implementing Public-Private Mix Approaches. 2006

pdf Guía para la Consejería y Pruebas de VIH/Sida en los Programas de Control de Tuberculosis; 2006 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

4497 descargas

Guide for TB/HIV Counselling and Testing in Tuberculosis Programs. 2006 (In Spanish)

pdf Guide for Tuberculosis Control in Populations Deprived of Liberty in Latin America and the Caribbean; 2008  Publicado Popular

5063 descargas

PAHO. Guide for Tuberculosis Control in Populations Deprived of Liberty in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2008

pdf Guidelines for HIV Surveillance among Tuberculosis Patients. Second Edition; 2004  Publicado Popular

2918 descargas

Guidelines for HIV Surveillance among Tuberculosis Patients. Second Edition. 2004

pdf Guidelines for surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis - 5th edition; 2015  Publicado Popular

2640 descargas

pdf Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis; 2011  Publicado Popular

3252 descargas

Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. 2011 update

pdf Infección latente por tuberculosis. Directrices actualizadas y unificadas para el manejo programático; 2018 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

883 descargas

2018 cde guia programatica tbEstas directrices reemplazan documentos de política anteriores de la OMS sobre el manejo de la ILTB en las personas con infección por el VIH y los contactos del hogar de las personas con tuberculosis y otros grupos en riesgo. Las directrices fueron preparadas de conformidad con los requisitos y el proceso recomendado por el Comité de Examen de Directrices de la OMS.

pdf Lineamientos para la implementación de control de infecciones de tuberculosis en las Américas; 2014 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

20761 descargas

Lineamientos para la implementación de control de infecciones de tuberculosis en las Américas; 2014 

pdf Roadmap for Childhood TB: Toward zero deaths; 2016  Publicado Popular

2249 descargas

pdf TB/HIV co-infection: clinical manual. Updated version; 2010 (Spanish only)  Publicado Popular

6839 descargas

TB/HIV co-infection: clinical manual. Updated version; 2010 (Spanish only)

pdf TB/HIV Coinfection Regional Clinical Manual. 2017 Update; 2018  Publicado Popular

1118 descargas

Coinfección TB/VIH. Guía Clínica Regional. Actualización 2017; 2018 (Spanish only)The purpose of this manual is to provide updated clinical guidelines for TB/HIV, with emphasis on diagnostic aspects, including new techniques, and current treatment, without losing sight of the public health approach. By compiling and consolidating the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization on the subject...

pdf The use of bedaquiline in the treatment ofmultidrug-resistant tuberculosis Interim policy guidance; 2013  Publicado Popular

3171 descargas

The use of bedaquiline in the treatment ofmultidrug-resistant tuberculosis Interim policy guidance. 2013 

default Tuberculosis patient cost surveys: a handbook; 2018  Publicado Popular

891 descargas

tb 9789275320587 spa 2018This handbook builds on lessons learned from surveys implemented 2015-2017 and advice provided by the Global task force on TB patient cost surveys. It provides a standardized methodology for conducting health facility-based cross-sectional surveys to assess...

pdf WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities. Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders; 2012  Publicado Popular

4400 descargas

WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders