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Carpeta Health economics and financing


Carpeta Senior Policy Seminar: Barbados, October 22 – 23,

Documents for the Senior Policy Seminar. The Universal Health Coverage Agenda in the Caribbean: Challenges and Options. Barbados, October 22 - 23, 2012 

Carpeta Technical consultation on HA/HSA - 2011

Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts. PAHO, October 6-7, 2011.



pdf Activity Brief - Regional Workshop [2009]  Publicado Popular

658 descargas

Activity brief - Regional Workshop: The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas, Washington, Dc., 23-24 November, 2009

pdf Activity Brief - Technical Consultation (HSA) [2010]  Publicado Popular

1553 descargas

Activity Brief - Technical Consultation HSA, March 25-26, 2010, Washington DC, USA.

pdf Activity Description - Technical Consultation (HA/HSA) [2011]  Publicado Popular

780 descargas

Activity Description - Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts (HA/HSA)
October 6-7, 2011, Washington, D.C, USA

pdf Activity Description - Third Regional Meeting of Health Economic Units / Departments of Health [2011]  Publicado Popular

601 descargas

Activity Description - Third Regional Meeting of Health Economic Units / Departments of Health [2011]
October 4-5, 2011, Washington, D.C., USA

pdf Agenda - Regional Workshop [2009]  Publicado Popular

1721 descargas

Agenda - Regional Workshop: The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Disease in the Americas, Washington, DC, 23-24, November, 2009

pdf Agenda - Technical Consultation (HA/HSA) [2011]  Publicado Popular

1483 descargas

Agenda - Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts (HA/HSA) [2011]
October 6-7, 2011, Washington, D.C, USA

pdf Agenda - Technical Consultation (HSA) [2010]  Publicado Popular

1772 descargas

Agenda - Technical Consultation HSA, March 25-26, 2010, Washington DC

pdf Agenda -Third Regional Meeting of Health Economic Units/Departments of Health [2011]  Publicado Popular

990 descargas

Agenda -Third Regional Meeting of Health Economic Units/Departments of Health [2011]
October 4-5, 2011, Washington, D.C., USA

pdf Aging during the Epidemiologic transitions: a historical view. Suchit Arora, Consultant, USA.  Publicado Popular

1339 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

Aging during the Epidemiologic transitions: a historical view. Suchit Arora, Consultant, USA.

pdf Avances Ctas Satélite Serv Salud  Publicado Popular

1744 descargas

pdf Background and related documents  Publicado Popular

1576 descargas

Background and related documents - Technical consultation HSA, March 25-26, 2010, Washington, DC, USA

pdf Brazil: HSA 2005-2007  Publicado Popular

905 descargas

Presentación: Brazil HSA (Ricardo Moraes)

pdf Bulletin #2: Health Economics Units or Departments of Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.  Publicado Popular

591 descargas

 Bulletin #2: Health Economics Units or Departments of Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. June 2009

pdf Bulletin. Health Economics Units and Departments. June 2009.  Publicado Popular

946 descargas

Bulletin. Health Economics Units and Departments. Summary. June 2009. (Summary)

pdf Bulletin. Health Economics Units and Departments. Summary. March 2009. (Summary)  Publicado Popular

1466 descargas

 Bulletin. Health Economics Units and Departments. Summary. March  2009. (Summary)

pdf Bulletin: Health Economics Units or Departments in Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean  Publicado Popular

1871 descargas

Bulletin: Health Economics Units or Departments in Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (Summary)

pdf Chile: HSA 2003-2007  Publicado Popular

1481 descargas

Presentación: Chile HSA 2003-2007 (David Debrott)

pdf Chronic Diseases research agenda: a perspective from English speaking Caribbean. Karl Theodore, Health Economics Unit, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago  Publicado Popular

835 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

Chronic Diseases research agenda: a perspective from English speaking Caribbean. Karl Theodore, Health Economics Unit, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

pdf Cost issues related to non-communicable diseases. Shanthi Mendis, Senior Advisor, Cardiovascular Diseases, WHO, Geneva.  Publicado Popular

1573 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

Cost issues related to non-communicable diseases. Shanthi Mendis, Senior Advisor, Cardiovascular Diseases, WHO, Geneva.

pdf España: Cuentas Satélite del Gasto Sanitario Público 1999-2004  Publicado Popular

1820 descargas

Presentación: España: Cuentas Satélite del Gasto Sanitario Público 1999-2004 (Angela Blanco)

pdf Extracto de C.1 de The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies.  Publicado Popular

1103 descargas

Extracto en inglés del capítulo 1 de "The Economics of Public Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies"

Editors: Clements, Coady and Gupta. International Monetary Fund 2012.

pdf Financiación de los sistemas de salud: El camino hacia la cobertura universal en salud. [Presentación de Cristian Morales, OPS/HSS]  Publicado Popular

6092 descargas

Paraguay (25-28 de setiembre de 2013)
Los objetivos de la misión fueron apoyar en la definición de las líneas de cooperación técnica en financiamiento y economía de la salud planteando una agenda coherente con el desarrollo de la CUS en el país. En este marco, se realizaron diversos encuentros de los cuales cabe destacar uno sobre los Desafíos del financiamiento en la CUS y aspectos relativos a la medición de avances en el eje de protección financiera de la CUS que contó con la participación de autoridades y cuadros técnicos del ministerio de salud, el ministerio de hacienda, el seguro social, y el BID; otro con el equipo de planificación y la Viceministro y un tercero con el PWR ai y el Sr. Ministro de Salud.

pdf Household Production Accounts for Canada, Mexico and the US  Publicado Popular

906 descargas

Presentación: "Household Production Accounts for Canada, Mexico and the US" (Barbara Fraumeni)

pdf HSA in the Americas - Overview  Publicado Popular

1010 descargas

Presentation: Health Satellite Accouts (HSA) in the Americas - Overview (Ruben Suarez)


pdf HSA in the USA: BEA's Approach to HSA  Publicado Popular

955 descargas

Presentación: "HSA in the USA: BEA's Approach to HSA" (Ana Aizcorbe)

pdf Informe de Atkinson sobre medición de la producción  Publicado Popular

1581 descargas

pdf Informe Preliminar CSSS Panamá 2009 - Español  Publicado Popular

1833 descargas

Informe Preliminar CSSS Panamá 2009 - Español

pdf Integration of Health, economic and environmental accounts-Guatemala  Publicado Popular

994 descargas

pdf Intermediate Satellite Account of Health Social Protection  Publicado Popular

1644 descargas

pdf List of Participants - Regional Workshop: The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]  Publicado Popular

1247 descargas

List of Participants - Regional Workshop: The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas, Washington, D.C., 23-24 November, 2009

pdf List of participants - Technical Consultation (HA/HSA) [2011]  Publicado Popular

2369 descargas

List of participants - Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts (HA/HSA) [2011]
October 6-7, 2011, Washington D.C., USA

pdf List of participants - Technical Consultation (HSA) [2010]  Publicado Popular

1353 descargas

pdf List of participants - Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts (HA/HSA) [2011]  Publicado Popular

798 descargas

List of participants - Technical Consultation on Health Accounts/Health Satellite Accounts (HA/HSA) Oct 6-7, 2011, Washington, D.C. USA

pdf On chronic diseases and economic growth: summary of analytical frameworks, empirical evidence and research gaps. David Mayer, CIDE, Mexico  Publicado Popular

727 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

On chronic diseases and economic growth: summary of analytical frameworks, empirical evidence and research gaps. David Mayer, CIDE, Mexico

pdf On Demographic transition and economic development: a long term perspective. Tim Miller, CELADE, Santiago, Chile  Publicado Popular

767 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

On Demographic transition and economic development: a long term perspective. Tim Miller, CELADE, Santiago, Chile

pdf On Epidemiologic and Economic Transitions: A Hictorical view  Publicado Popular

1633 descargas

pdf On the direct and indirect costs of chronic diseases: summary of analytical frameworks, evidences and research gaps. Jorge Ugaz, Consultant, University of Chicago, USA  Publicado Popular

1739 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

On the direct and indirect costs of chronic diseases: summary of analytical frameworks, evidences and research gaps. Jorge Ugaz, Consultant, University of Chicago, USA

pdf On the Economics of prevention of chronic diseases: The rationale for government intervention. Phillip Musgrove, Editor, Health Affairs, USA  Publicado Popular

567 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]
On the Economics of prevention of chronic diseases: The rationale for government intervention. Phillip Musgrove, Editor, Health Affairs, USA

pdf Preliminary Report HSA Panama - English  Publicado Popular

558 descargas

Preliminary Report of Expert Meeting to Establish Guidelines for Reformulation of Satellite Health Accounts

pdf PresentacionClements(IMF)EcoSistdeSalud  Publicado Popular

809 descargas

Sesión Virtual: "La Economía de las Reformas de los Sistemas Públicos de Cuidados de Salud en Economías Avanzadas y Emergentes". 23 de Agosto del 2012. Presentación en formato Power Point por parte del Eco. Benedict (Ben) Clements, Jefe, División de Política de Gasto; Departamento de Asuntos Fiscales del Fondo Monetario Internacional.

pdf Preventing chronic disease in the Americas, a vital investment. James Hospedales, Senior Advisor, Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, PAHO  Publicado Popular

924 descargas

 Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

Preventing chronic disease in the Americas, a vital investment. James Hospedales, Senior Advisor, Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, PAHO

pdf Recomendaciones HSA - Grupo Panamá  Publicado Popular

1124 descargas

Presentación: "PAHO-ECLA-MINSAL/Chile, Working Group on HSA: Recommendations" (Claudia Pescetto)

pdf Regional Workshop Related Documents  Publicado Popular

1251 descargas

Regional Workshop Related Documents

pdf The costs of chronic diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: The case of Diabetes. Alberto Barcelo, Senior Advisor, Non-Communicable Diseases, PAHO.  Publicado Popular

966 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

The costs of chronic diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: The case of Diabetes. Alberto Barcelo, Senior Advisor, Non-Communicable Diseases, PAHO.

pdf The Economic burden of chronic diseases in the USA. Kevin Klowden, Managing Economist, Center for Health Economics, The Milken Institute, USA  Publicado Popular

923 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

The Economic burden of chronic diseases in the USA. Kevin Klowden, Managing Economist, Center for Health Economics, The Milken Institute, USA

pdf The Macroeconomic Consequences of Chronic Diseases in Emerging Market Economies  Publicado Popular

1650 descargas

pdf Venezuela: HSA and Social Accounting Matrices  Publicado Popular

2082 descargas

Presentación: "Venezuela: HSA and Social Accounting Matrices" (Agustin Velesquez)

pdf Who will pay? Coping with aging, pensions, health care and other long-term fiscal challenges. Peter Heller, Consultant, USA.  Publicado Popular

830 descargas

Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]
Who will pay? Coping with aging, pensions, health care and other long-term fiscal challenges. Peter Heller, Consultant, USA.

pdf Workshop overview - Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]  Publicado Popular

909 descargas

 Regional Workshop The Economic, Fiscal and Welfare Implications of Chronic Diseases in the Americas [2009]

Workshop overview. Rubén Suarez, Senior Advisor. Health Economics and Financing, PAHO