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Carpeta 2.2.2: Violence



pdf Addressing violence against women and HIV/AIDS: What works? (WHO, 2010)  Publicado Popular

2005 descargas

pdf Empowering Families to Face Domestic Violence (2009)  Publicado Popular

1492 descargas

pdf Engaging men and boys in changing gender-based inequity in health: Evidence from programme interventions (2007)  Publicado Popular

1500 descargas

pdf Informe mundial sobre prevención de las lesiones en los niños (2011)  Publicado Popular

9999 descargas

pdf La Violencia contra Mujeres: responde el sector de la salud (2003)  Publicado Popular

1169 descargas

pdf Modelo de Leyes y Políticas Sobre Violencia Intrafamiliar contra las Mujeres (PAHO, 2004)  Publicado Popular

9910 descargas

pdf Presentation: USAID's implementation of the US strategy to prevent and respond to GBV globally  Publicado Popular

1232 descargas

pdf Presentation: Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide (WB, GW, IDB, ICRW)  Publicado Popular

1124 descargas

pdf Preventing Child Maltreatment (WHO, 2006)  Publicado Popular

805 descargas

pdf Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence (WHO, 2010)  Publicado Popular

846 descargas

pdf Preventing violence and reducing its impact: How development agencies can help (2008)  Publicado Popular

955 descargas

pdf Sexual Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Desk Review (available only Spanish)  Publicado Popular

1623 descargas

Sexual Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Desk Review

A limited but growing body of evidence suggests that sexual violence is a serious problem throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) – both as a public health problem and a violation of human rights.  This document - produced by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI), in partnership with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Ipas -  reviews what is known about sexual violence in the LAC region by exploring the magnitude, patterns and risk factors associated with sexual violence, as well as the legal and policy frameworks, women's responses to sexual violence, access to services and service responses, promising interventions, research gaps and priorities for future research.


Over two hundred published and unpublished documents from 2000 to the present were reviewed to prepare this document.  Studies reviewed highlight evidence that sexual violence is a pervasive problem in the region and suggest that, in LAC, women are most at risk of sexual violence from intimate partners. Population-based surveys have found that the lifetime prevalence of forced sex by an intimate partner ranges from 5% to 47%. In addition, a substantial minority of women and girls experience sexual abuse by non-partners, as indicated by a review of studies from LAC that found between 8% and 27% of women report having experienced sexual violence by a non-partner.


As this review will illustrate, some recent progress has been made in the region to develop strategies to prevent and respond to sexual violence. These advances include improvements to policy and legal frameworks, as well as efforts to strengthen prevention and response strategies, most notably in urban areas.  PAHO is proud to join efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence in the region and is working to improve the availability and use of data on various forms of violence against women to improve prevention and programmatic efforts. 


This publication is presently available in Spanish and will be published in English and Portuguese by October 2011.


Violencia sexual en Latinoamérica y El Caribe: Análisis de datos secundarios (Marzo 2010)

pdf Sexual Violence in Latin America and the Caribeban: A Desk Review (2010)  Publicado Popular

1114 descargas

pdf The Multiple faces of intersections between HIV and Violence Against Women (Development Connections/PAHO, 2008)  Publicado Popular

1238 descargas

pdf Violence against women agenda  Publicado Popular

982 descargas

pdf Violence Against Women: The Health Sector Responds (2003)  Publicado Popular

909 descargas

pdf Violence prevention: the evidence (2010)  Publicado Popular

1667 descargas

pdf Violencia sexual en Latinoamérica y El Caribe: Análisis de datos secundarios (2010)  Publicado Popular

1008 descargas

pdf Violência sexual na América Latina e no Caribe: uma análise de dados secundários (2010)  Publicado Popular

1124 descargas

pdf World Report on Violence and Health (PAHO, 2003)  Publicado Popular

1167 descargas