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Carpeta Declarations, Principles and Standards (Non-binding instruments)


pdf k) General Comment 5 of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  Publicado Popular

1852 descargas

The central importance of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in relation to the human rights of persons with disabilities has frequently been underlined by the international community 1/ . Thus a 1992 review by the Secretary-General of the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons concluded that "disability is closely linked to economic and social factors" and that "conditions of living in large parts of the world are so desperate that the provision of basic needs for all - food, water, shelter, health protection and education - must form the cornerstone of national programmes" 2/ . Even in countries which have a relatively high standard of living, persons with disabilities are very often denied the opportunity to enjoy the full range of economic, social and cultural rights recognized in the Covenant. 

pdf l) General Comment 3 of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on HIV/AIDS  Publicado Popular

2098 descargas

The HIV/AIDS epidemics have drastically changed the world in which children live.  Millions of children have been infected and have died and many more are gravely affected as HIV spreads through their families and communities. The epidemics impact on the daily life on younger children, and increase the victimization and marginalization of children especially on those living in particularly difficult circumstances. HIV/AIDS is not a problem of some countries but of the entire world. To truly bring it's impact on children under control will require concerted and well-targeted efforts from all countries at all stages of development.

pdf m) Recommendation 24 of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination  Publicado Popular

3747 descargas

General Recommendation No. 1 (fifth session, 1986).  Initial reports submitted under article 18 of the Convention should cover the situation up to the date of submission. Thereafter, reports should be submitted at least every four years after the first report was due and should include obstacles encountered in implementing the Convention fully and the measures adopted to overcome such obstacles.