We wish to thank the unwavering dedication of country program officers and field workers providing immunization services to the people of the Americas since the beginning of the Expanded Program of Immunization deserve the highest recognition. We would also like to thank Dr. Oswaldo Barrezueta, Ms. Beatrice Carpano, Ms. Daniela Dietz-Chavez, and Ms. Gabriela Félix for their work uploading, classifying and reviewing the articles. Thanks to Vladimir Oviedo, Andrés Venturino, Mirna Marti, Cristina Mitchell, Juan Carlos Diaz, Marcelo D’Agostino, Gilles Collet, Manuel Calvit, Harold Ruiz, and Paulo Leite from PAHO’s Knowledge Management and Communication team who helped design the e-book, the CD, and record the included videos. Thanks to all the editors and contributors to the Newsletter over the years. We give special thanks to Dr. Ana Maria Henao-Restrepo who encouraged us to create a compilation book of the Immunization Newsletter.