An intensive five-day training workshop on malaria control in complex emergencies will be held in New York in October. The fee-paying workshop is aimed at humanitarian organizations providing country program support and involved in policy development, agencies that fund and/or provide technical support in an emergency context and trainers and policy makers with an interest in public health in emergencies. Contact Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. for more information.

Visit to download a copy of Talking about Disaster: Guide for Standard Messages, a publication produced by the National Disaster Education Coalition. The guide covers topics such as chemical accidents, earthquakes, drought, floods, hurricanes and more, and is designed to provide disaster safety information to the general public. Although produced primarily for a U.S. audience, much of the information is useful for emergency managers, disaster (natural and human-caused) educators, public affairs personnel, mitigation specialists, the media and communicators outside the U.S. as well.