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Archives for ‘Day 5’

Meeting of PAHO’s 147th Executive Committee following the closing of the 50th Directing Council

Call for continued vigilance in monitoring H1N1 influenza

Dr. Marcos Espinal, Area Manager of Health Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at PAHO, thanks all the countries for their contributions and congratulates them on their advances, but not before reminding them to continue to strengthen surveillance systems and the vaccination processes for vulnerable groups such as pregnant...

“Communicating the risk to the population is very important,” said PAHO Director

PAHO Director Mirta Roses called on countries to "remain vigilant" after controlling the last H1N1 influenza pandemic. She stated that given the capacity for change that the influenza virus has, the possibility of the emergence of a new influenza virus worse than the H1N1 exists....

Canada recognizes PAHO leadership and support for countries to face the pandemic


Update on the H1N1 influenza pandemic

The representatives of the PAHO Member States share the actions carried out during the last influenza pandemic....

Report on PAHO’s Integrity and Conflict Management System

Report on advances in the implementation of the International Health Regulations

The representatives of the ministries of health of the Americas that participate in the PAHO's 50th Directing Council discussed the implementation of the Regulation in their countries, the efforts made toward its implementation, and its importance after the last flu pandemic that crossed borders. Diseases can spread far and wide at the mercy of travel and international trade....

Mexico invites the countries to join in a proclamation on health and climate change to be presented at COP 16

Final report of the roundtable on urban planning and healthy living presented

PAHO's Assistant Director, Socorro Gross, presented to the countries the final document of the roundtable discussion on the topic. Highlited was the need to work to address the effects of urbanization on health and the impact of climate change....

Final Day the 50th Meeting of the PAHO Directing Council

After four days of debate and analysis of the health situation of the Americas and the health agenda in the Region, ministers and representatives of the States begin the last day of the current session of the Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization....