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Archives for ‘Day 1’

“Every Image Reflects a History of Pain and Love,” maintained the Infanta Cristina of Spain

This was during the inauguration of Motherhood exhibit, presented in Washington by the Spanish Foundation "La Caixa"? in the context of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, PAHO/WHO and other stakeholders. The show, she said, seeks to "awaken the conscience of all citizens." "In Rwanda and Bangladesh, in Barcelona, each of the images reflects a history of pain, of suffering and fear, but above all, of the greatest love that can exist between two people," said the Infanta Cristina of...

PAHEF presents awards

“Maternidades” Exhibit, Video

PAHEF Awards in pictures

Experts call on countries of the Americas to keep the promise of safe motherhood

Over 9,000 women die each year in Latin America and the Caribbean from pregnancy-related causes Washington, D.C., Sept. 27, 2010 (PAHO) "? A coalition of experts worried about slow progress toward ensuring safe motherhood for all women in the Americas today called on countries to redouble their efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5: reducing maternal mortality by three-fourths between 1990 and 2015 and achieving universal access to reproductive health by the year...

Motherhood Photography Exhibit

Motherhood consists of a series of photographs of mothers and their children from around the world. The exhibit is displayed in Washington, as part of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, a call by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other advocates for the countries of the Americas to redouble their efforts to reduce maternal mortality and achieve universal access to reproductive health by the year 2015. The Motherhood exhibit is sponsored by the International Cooperation Program Obra...

Clarence H. Moore Award for Excellence for Voluntary Service

The Peruvian League Against Cancer has earned the Clarence H. Moore Award for Excellence for Voluntary Service work for its work in cancer...

Pedro N. Acha Award to Excellence in Veterinary Public Health

Luisa Zanolli Moreno, of the University of S? Paulo, was awarded the Pedro N. Acha Award for Excellence in Veterinary Public...

PAHO/PAHEF "Sergio Arouca" Award

Maria Fátima de Sousa, from Brazil, was awarded the Sergio Arouca Award from PAHEF and PAHO for her contribution toward strengthening her country's health...

PAHO/PAHEF "Manuel Velasco Suarez" Award

Dr. Paulina Taboada, of Chile, was awarded the Manuel Velasco Suarez Award for Excellence in Bioethics for her thesis on the respect for human rights until the twilight of one's...

PAHO/PAHEF “Abraham Horwitz” Award

Brazilian Carlos Monteiro received the Abraham Horwitz Award for Excellence in Leadership in Inter-American Health for his work on malnutrition and...

Video: PAHO Champion of Health

PAHO Champion of Health

Argentine cartoonist and humorist Fernando Sendra receives today the Champion of Health Award, given by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) for his contribution to improving health in the Americas. Sendra collaborated with PAHO with a poster that was central do the "Breastfeeding, first food of champions"? campaign, carried out in 2002, 2006 and 2010 on the occasion of the soccer World...

PAHEF Awards in video

PAHO Award for Administration 2010

The Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration 2010, made up of Delegates of Colombia, Guatemala, and Suriname, met on 23 June during the 146th Session of the Executive Committee. After examining the documentation on the candidate nominated by Member States, the Committee decided to confer the PAHO Award for Administration 2010 on Dr. Elsa Yolanda Palou, of Honduras. This Award recognizes the substantial national and subregional impact resulting from her administrative, medical...

Awards for Excellence in Public Health

Dr. Benjamin Caballero, chair of PAHEF's board of directors, introduced the winners of the PAHO/PAHEF awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public...

Uruguay Learns from Damages Done by Natural Disasters

Dr. Daniel Olesker, General Director, said that in direct relation to the lessons they learned from the region's natural disasters and the A1H1 pandemic, they will continue to work on the reforms and the development of health systems, because it will mean continued progress on the topic. He stressed that they will delve into everything related to social participation in the system by workers and...

Nicaragua’s Health Ministry Representative Stressed Importance of Working for Human Safety and Health

Guillermo Gonzalez congratulated PAHO Director, Mirta Roses, on her annual report and the Organization's work during the past year. "The issue of human and sanitary security is an important point, a milestone that should mark the new challenges that our governments must carry out to ensure the health of our people," he said. The head of the Nicaraguan delegation stressed the importance of human development. "It is essential that the people walk alongside us, becoming subjects of the...

Puerto Rico Acknowledged PAHO’s Support

The Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico, Concepción Longo Quiñones, thanked the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the support it has given her country in to areas of dengue control, chronic illness, suicide prevention and the regulation of nursing...

Trinidad and Tobago Establishes Dengue Erradication Programs

Trinidad and Tobago Health Minister, Therese Baptiste-Cornelis, thanked PAHO's support in strengthening programs and in solving the country's critical dengue problem, which has been very a serious one, an epidemic with both social and political effects. All the more reason to establish strategies aimed at eradicating the disease. She assured: Trinidad and Tobago is committed to health and human...

Bahamas Calls for Greater Effort to Improve Environmental Health in the Region

The head of the Bahamas delegation, Ambassador Cornelius Smith, considers it necessary to redouble efforts to improve environmental health in the region. In this regard, he stressed the importance of improving the supply of potable water, more appropriate waste management, and vector management. On the other hand, Smith said that food security is a growing problem in the region. "The frequency of contaminated food products is growing and requires collaborative efforts among Member States...

The Head of the Canadian Delegation Congratulated PAHO for Addressing Human Rights and the Health of the Most Vulnerable

The head of the Canadian delegation, Karen Dodds, congratulated PAHO for highlighting the health and the human rights of the most vulnerable groups, for progress in curbing endemic rubella, and for the strategy for health workers. She also welcomed PAHO's E-health strategy. "New technologies allow citizens to access health information," she said, adding that this tool "will be of specific benefit to rural and remote communities." Dodds expressed concern over unhealthy lifestyles...

Mexico Joins Pan American Health Organization’s Constant Effort

Referring to the video presented by Dr. Mirta Roses during her annual report, Mexico noted that the images speak volumes about the role played by the director. Mexico indicated it's committment to working with this system to continue providing health care to all its inhabitants. The delegate referred to the Health Forum on climate change to be held in December in Cancún to implement measures to aid those affected by this problem....

Minister of Health of Argentina Makes a Call to Work Together to Address Common Health Problems

Juan Manzur indicated that "the origin and extent of the threats to human security can not be subsumed within the limits set by national borders," said the official, who advocated "for health policies and strategies that take into account international determinants." Manzur raised "the need to work together within our own countries with all jurisdictions, scientific associations, academia, the community itself and between the countries of the...

Bolivia’s Newly Ratified Constitution Includes the Right to Health

Bolivia's Minister of Health and Sport, Dr. Nila Heredia, spoke about the new era of profound changes her country faces after having ratified a new constitution. With this came the inclusion of the population into the right to health and, for the government, a series of short and medium term tasks necessary to meet the commitments. Bolivia has established a program for prenatal care and for maintaining a healthy child; this program, a year and a half old, has enhanced the care pregnant women...

Dominica’s Minister of Health Points out Country Alliances Help Cope with Disease Threats

Julius Timothy, Dominica's Minister of Health and the Environment, considers that the promotion of health and human welfare in our region has never been more important, and set his country as an example, the Caribbean island where the life expectancy is 76 years and immunization coverage is broad. These achievements of health must be protected, he said. The representative of Dominica's Ministry of Health pointed out that the countries "have remained united against the threats of...

PAHO Report Highlights Health Achievements in a Year of Challenges

Washington, D.C., Sept. 27, 2010 (PAHO) "? The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Mirta Roses, today presented the Annual Report of the Director "? 2010, during the opening session of the 50th meeting of the PAHO Directing Council. The director"?s report summarizes the major work of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (the secretariat of PAHO) during 2009 and early 2010. The focus of this year"?s report is "human security" and the ways in which PAHO"?s technical...

PAHO Director Mirta Roses Presents Annual Report

In her speech, the Director of PAHO emphasized the promotion of health, well-being and human security in the Region of the...

PAHO Executive Committee President Delivers Annual Report

In his report, Suriname Minister of Health, Celsius Waterberg, spoke of project updates, budget revisions and approval of funds for various projects. Also discussed was the approval of several changes to financial regulations to update and harmonize the rules of the...

Mexico Elected to Chair PAHO Directing Council the Following Year

The Minister of Health of Mexico, José Córdova Villalobos, was elected president of the PAHO Directing Council. Peru and Saint Lucia will occupy the vice-presidency. Mexico, through its Health Minister, José Córdova Villalobos, was elected to chair the PAHO Directing Council over the next year. The outgoing Council president, Esperanza Martínez, wished him "the greatest success in his work." Villalobos acknowledged this vote of confidence for Mexico to conduct this work...

Presentation of the Regional Health Observatory

PAHO Deputy Director, John Andrus, invited the representatives of the delegations of the countries of the Americas to visit the Regional Health Observatory, a virtual platform of information, epidemiological data, analysis and empirical evidence for the monitoring and evaluation of the health situation in the region. "This is an opportunity to turn knowledge into action," said Andrus.

Top Officials Meet to Map Pan-American Cooperation in Health

Washington, D.C., September 27, 2010 (PAHO) - Top health authorities from throughout the Americas opened a meeting today at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to discuss the health situation in the Americas, to identify common health challenges, and to map out effective national and Pan-American strategies to address them. At the opening session of the 50th PAHO Directing Council today, PAHO Director Mirta Roses welcomed delegates and noted the importance of Pan-American cooperation...

President of the Directing Council Highlights Solidarity of the International Community in Response to Haiti and Chile Earthquakes

Esperanza Martinez celebrated the response from the countries of the world and the region to the natural disasters that affected those areas and lamented the damage to health and human lives. During her speech at the opening session of the 50th PAHO Directing Council in Washington, DC, the outgoing President of the Directing Council, Esperanza Martínez, reviewed the most momentous public health events in the region from the past year....

OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza Speaks

"This has not been a quiet year," said Dr. Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), remembering the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and the floods in Brazil, where PAHO's work was instrumental in the prevention of epidemics resulting from these natural disasters. "It was an international effort," he emphasized. He added that health issues are not isolated from the issues of poverty, discrimination and violence experienced by some regions of the...

Social Sector Manager at the Inter-American Development Bank Kei Kawabata speaks

During the opening speech of the 50th PAHO Directing Council, Kei Kawabata, Social Sector Manager at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), indicated that the problems of malnutrition in poor and marginalized countries raise the mortality rates. She further noted that virus-induced diseases such as malaria and HIV are related to lifestyle in those regions. She stressed that now more than ever it is important to work with PAHO because of the essential role it plays in the development...

Welcoming Remarks of PAHO Director Dr. Mirta Roses Periago

"Good morning everyone! Let me extend a cordial welcome to this, your house, which we call the home of health in the Americas. Every year when our ministers of health meet, we feel this even more, because it is filled with ideas and discussions about the current situation and future of health in the Region.

PAHO Director Opens 50th Meeting of PAHO Directing Council

Mirta Roses welcomed the presence of the Health Ministers of the Americas at the Organization's headquarters because "the house fills with ideas and debates over the situation and the future health in the region," she said. PAHO's director felt that last year was "hard for all health workers and authorities, with the emergence of the new H1N1 virus and then with the earthquakes that hit Haiti and Chile, as well as the droughts, floods, and cold waves that other countries suffered."