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Archives for ‘Day 2’

Statue of Inventor of Vaccine Against Smallpox is Unveiled

A statue of Edward Jenner, creator of the vaccine against smallpox, was unveiled by PAHO director Dr. Mirta Roses; Deputy Director, Dr. Jon Andrus; Assistant Director, Dr. Socorro Gross; doctors Donald Henderson and Ciro de Quadros, and the director of the Museum of Epidemiology of Berkeley, England, Sarah Parker, who gifted the statue to the Organization. "There are many statues of Jenner in the world and I cheer that Washington has one now," said Parker, who issued a call to “learn from the...

The Americas Move Toward the Elimination of Rubella

"Since February 2010, the region of the Americas shows no recorded no cases of endemic rubella," highlighted Dr. Gina Tambini, Area Manager of Family and Community Health; she added that the achievement is due to the "commitment of Member States, the contributions from PAHO's partners, and the commitment of health personnel in the countries."...

Dr. Gina Tambini’s Report on Rubella


Recognition Ceremony to Honor Key PAHO Member States and Strategic Partners in the Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Initiative in The Americas


Costa Rica is Recognized for its Efforts Towards Rubella Elimination

Dr. Daniel Salas, adviser to Costa Rica's Ministry of Health, received the recognition from the Pan American Health...

Sarah Parker, from the Edward Jenner Museum at Berkeley, Highlighted the Life of Edward Jenner, Inventor of the Vaccine Against Smallpox


The Ministry of Health and Social Policy of Spain Recognized for its Support for Rubella Vaccination Campaigns in the Americas

Ambassador Javier Sancho, Spain, received recognition from PAHO, on behalf of the Spanish health...

Who was Edward Jenner?

The creator of the first vaccine, Edward Jenner, was a physician and scientist born in 1749 in Berkeley, England, said PAHO Assistant Director, Dr. Socorro Gross, during the celebration of the anniversary of the smallpox eradication. Jenner noted that the women who milked cows developed smallpox with less frequency. Smallpox was one of the most feared diseases at the time: it killed millions without distinction by age or status. The English physician proposed the hypothesis that the...

PAHO recognized the Canadian International Development Agency for efforts to eliminate measles and rubella

PAHO recognized the Canadian International Development Agency for its support toward measles elimination, rubella, and congenital rubella in the region. The ambassador Allan Culham received the...

CDC was recognized for its support for the elimination of disease through rubella vaccine initiatives


VIDEO: Unveiling of the bust of Edward Jenner


Interview with Dr. Cyrus S. Poonawalla


Serum Institute of India Recognized for Contribution to the Elimination of Measles and Rubella

Cyrus Poonawalla, from the Serum Institute of India, received the distinction from PAHO. “It is the first time that PAHO gives an award to a private industry. The Institute is a model of business ethic and humanitarianism,” said PAHO's Deputy Director Dr. Jon...

PAHO Director Met with Bolivia’s Minister of Health

Dr. Mirta Roses and Nilda Heredia met to analyze important health issues in Bolivia, and to discuss PAHO's technical cooperation with that...

Minister of Health of Paraguay highlighted the benefits of purchasing vaccines through the PAHO Revolving Fund

She noted that the Americas went from purchasing 38 million doses of vaccine during the first years to over 300 million in the present day. "This is about high quality vaccines at fair prices," she said and stated that 40 countries from the region now make their purchases through the Fund. Because of immunizations, the region "is free from polio, measles and very soon from rubella" she...

Health Minister of Paraguay, Dr. Esperanza Martínez, on PAHO’s Revolving Fund


Countries celebrate 30th Anniversary of Smallpox Eradication, Vaccine Revolving Fund, and look ahead to new challenges

Washington, DC, September 28, 2010 (PAHO) - Health ministers from the Americas today reflected on the future of immunization programs by celebrating major milestones in fighting disease and looking ahead to new challenges made possible by advances in vaccine technology. View press...

Dr. Mirta Roses Talks About the 30th Anniversary of the Eradication of Smallpox and PAHO’s Revolving Fund for Vaccines


VIDEO: Ciro de Quadros Speech – 30 Years of Smallpox Eradication


PAHO Director Evaluates Work of PAHO Revolving Fund

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the eradication of smallpox, Dr. Mirta Roses remembered Edward Jenner's dream to eradicate diseases with the use of vaccines. She also evaluated the successful work of the Revolving Fund since its creation in 1979, because it allows member countries to get their vaccines promptly to meet their needs or emergencies. She cited as an example the H1N1 influenza...

VIDEO: D. A. Henderson Speech on 30 years of Smallpox Eradication


VIDEO: Dr. Ciro de Quadros Recognition


Dr. Gina Tambini, Area Manager Family & Community Health


PAHO recognized Dr. Ciro de Quadros for his contributions to immunization programs in the Americas

The Brazilian doctor was honored for his contributions to PAHO's Expanded Program on Immunization and his role in creating the PAHO Revolving Fund for vaccine procurement....

“30th Anniversary of Smallpox Eradication” session in pictures


Point of No Return: The Eradication of Smallpox in Somalia


30th Anniversary of Smallpox Eradication, interview with Dr. Ciro de Quadros, M.D., M.P.H., Executive Vice President, Sabin Vaccine Institute


30th Anniversary of Smallpox Eradication, Interview with Dr. D.A. Henderson, M.D., M.P.H., WHO Chief of Eradication Program 1966-1977


Dr. D.A Henderson spoke about his experience as former head of the WHO Smallpox Eradication Program

In his address, he stressed the importance of immunization programs in the Americas to public...

Smallpox, 30 Years of Successful Eradication


Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health Lunch


PAHO supports Brazilian early childhood development project

Socorro Gross, PAHO's Assistant Director, met with members of the Brazilian team working on the ‘Brasileirinhos y Brasileirinhas Saudáveis’ (Healthy Little Brazilian Girls and Boys) project to support their work on early childhood development. The Organization will share with the leaders of the initiative experiences and research that will help them measure the lag in this area that exists in...

Evaluation of the Regional Program Budget Policy


Dr. Isaias Daniel Gutierrez, Area Manager Planning, Budget, and Resource Coordination


Program and Budget 2008-2009 End-of-biennium Assessment/ Interim PAHO Strategic Plan 2008-2012 Progress Report


PAHO Director meets with Canadian Delegates

PAHO Director Mirta Roses, and the assistant director of the Organization, Socorro Gross, met with members of the Canadian delegation to assess progress on programs established in that country in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization....

Health Leaders Pledge Action to Reduce Drug Use in Latin America and the Caribbean

Washington, D.C., September 28, 2010 (PAHO) — Health leaders from throughout the Western Hemisphere today approved a new regional strategy to reduce harmful substance use and mitigate the negative health affects of such use, during the 50th Directing Council meeting of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). To view press...

Dr. Luis Augusto Galva~o, Strategy over the use of psychoactive substances and public health


The new Strategy on Substance Use and Public Health: Several Member States praised the new strategy

The US delegation described the strategy as a "strong contribution to public health."? Argentina said the document is of the highest quality, and all countries supported its...

Strategy addressing use of psychoactive substances is approved

The Health Ministers of the Americas endorsed the Strategy over the use of psychoactive substances and public health promoted by PAHO's 50th Directing Council, in order to address the problem of drug use and to create devices that reduce gaps the treatment....

Countries report their progress on laws and measures to reduce tobacco consumption

Following the approach used by the Minister of Health of Brazil regarding tobacco consumption, where he states you cannot compromise on the progress made on this subject because of pressure from tobacco companies, delegates from different countries reported the following:...

PAHO Directing Council Discusses Strategy to Prevent Substance Abuse in the Americas


Tobacco: PAHO Director Rallies the Countries to Ratify Framework Convention

"There are still a few States that have not ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control," stated the PAHO director and called for the countries' efforts in that direction. She also offered the assistance of the Pan American Health Organization in this process and in strengthening the capabilities of countries to implement this international public health...

Uruguay Asked Countries for Support in Facing Demands Imposed by Tobacco Company

English version will be available soon....

Health Ministers Discuss Tobacco in the Americas


PAHO Director has Working Breakfast with Members of WHO’s Executive Council


PAHEF & PAHO Honored Innovative Public Health Figures Who Are Advancing Health in the Americas

Washington, DC (September 28, 2010) – Innovative public health leaders whose work has improved health in the Americas were honored at the invitation-only PAHO/PAHEF Awards for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health Event in Washington, DC, last night. Award winners were recognized before an audience of ambassadors, ministers of health, U.S. government officials, and top-level company executives. The awards are cosponsored by the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) and...