Podcasts on PAHO Call To Action for the Digital transformation of the Health Sector now available

podcastsA series of eight podcasts covering the main aspects of the Call to Action on the Digital Transformation of the Health Sector presented by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) may now be heard and downloaded. Among the topics covered are Universal Connectivity in Health by 2030, Inclusive Digital Health, Health and Human Rights, Artificial Intelligence, and a Renewed Public Health Architecture.

The podcasts may be accessed here.

NEW: 8 Principles for Digital Transformation of Public Health


Telemedicine and Telehealth embedded in the digital health ecosystem

Telemedicine and telehealth have definitely entered the global agenda and gained great visibility with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the WHO Resolution WHA58.28 dates from 2005, advocating e-Health to strengthen the health systems of its member countries.

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Photo from one of the IS4H workshops in Suriname

Suriname's Ministry of Health requested technical support from PAHO/WHO to conduct a rapid assessment of the country's national information systems for health (IS4H) as the basis for developing short and medium-term work plans.

South America
Photo from High Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H) - South American Region

Within the framework of the Health Information Systems Initiative (IS4H) developed by PAHO/WHO, the Information Systems and Platforms for Health (IS) Unit has convened all the countries of South America to a high level meeting on the initiative. It happeneed on 18-19 July 2018, in Bogotá, Colombia.

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Central America
Photo from High Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H) - South American Region

Representatives from Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic met at the PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C. to discuss the development of electronic governance initiatives, open data solutions and large-scale data, among other topics in the framework of IS4H.

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Virgin Islands
Photo from one of the IS4H workshops in the Virgin Islands

With technical assistance from PAHO, BVI's Ministry of Health conducted workshops for key stakeholders to strengthen the country's National Information Systems for Health and help integrate Public Health in the eGovernment initiative, as well as to apply the IS4H Maturity Model tool in the BVI.

Photo from one of the IS4H meetings in Jamaica

A High-Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H), convened by PAHO/WHO and Jamaica's Ministry of Health had participants from 16 Caribbean countries, regional and international agencies, and international development partners.

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All implementations

The Pan American Health Organization would like to thank the financial and technical help of

the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)